
I'm 17 and I live in Toronto. I've only been to Canada's Wonderland once, am I normal? ?

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The first and last time I went with my friends was in 2005, and I didn't like it, my friends on the other hand have been there over ten times, and they all give me a bum rap for not going to Wonderland with them for more times.

Am I normal for not liking Canada's Wonderland? I personally don't think it's worth the money and wait for those rides.




  1. Yes, you are perfectly normal.

    Compare yourself with this:


    Niagara Falls is world-renowned. People come to Ontario from all over the world to see them.

    The Falls and the area around them is easily accessible, being less than two hours drive from Toronto by car and bus tours are readily available as well, but there is a huge number of people, including senior citizens,  who have lived in Toronto all of their lives and have  been there not more than once or twice, and many more who have never seen them at all, even though they are FREE to see.

    Wonderland gets more expensive every year, and the lineups get longer, every year.

    As a parent I have enjoyed Wonderland greatly, but I always shared your feelings about the many, many, hours of time lost while standing in lines waiting for rides that, when you are there from opening to closing, never reach one hour in total ride time.  

    My kids loved Wonderland when they were under sixteen, but liked it less and less after that, as they wanted to be on the rides...NOT standing in lineups.

    Our annual passes were good for early or late in the season, when there were less visitors, (shorter lineups) but then the passes went unused in between.

    Now they go about once a year, and so far this year not at all.


  2. your just not into rides and lines and crowds...

    not abnormal  

  3. I'm 31 and I live in Calgary and I've only been to Stampede once.

    There, do you feel more normal now that you are not alone? ;)

    Crowded places, overpriced, soft drinks, screaming children -- it's totally normal to not care for Wonderland.  That's what makes the world such a wonderful place -- we are all different and unique.  

  4. well im 17 n i live in new york but i visit toronto alot. ive been to wonderland tons of times. the only thing i enjoy about wonderland is the pool. im not into all of that stuff either. rides give me motion sickness.amusement parks on the whole makes my head swing. the only reason i ever go is cause im usually forced to. and u shud see me on the rides. im literally praying and have my eyes closed all the time. u never know wat cud happen. do what pleases you. different is good.  

  5. Don't feel bad.  I went Labour Day weekend the year it opened (1982) and haven't been back since.  Drive by it all the time though.  The lines for the rides are too long.  And it's not cheap.

  6. yess thats normall.

    even though i've been to wonderlandd like a billionn timess.

    when ever i ask people if they ever went to wonderland they mostlyy say noo.

  7. Yes it's perfectly normal. I dont like it either, It's not worth the money, or waiting in line for three hours to go on a two minute ride.  

  8. "it is not a sign of good health to be well-adjusted to an incredibly sick society" ~ J.Krishnamurti

  9. Do you need to do and like what everyone else likes? No you can like what you like and not like what you dont like. Easy. Use your own head and feelings...

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