
I'm 17 and had my first 2 driving lessons..i hate my driving instructor caz he told me im not meant 2 drive..?

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he makes me wanna cry.i dont feel like driving anymore..he told me that i shouldnt be driivng..i'm really bad at it...does he expect me to be perfect at my second lesson? i make real bad turns..and he yells at me...even told me to think b4 making my next appnt...plzz help there anyone who had faced this kinda problem and got it over with..plz share it caz it might make me feel better..




  1. ur instructor is a douchebag, driving takes a little practice, no worries

  2. Isn't there a different instructor that you can request? Don't let a jerk stop you from learning to drive. It's fun. It's freedom. It's independence. I taught both my boys to drive. We scared the c**p out of each other. Is there a responsible adult in your family that can help you get a little experience behind the wheel so that when you go to class you won't be nervous.

  3. I had to pay some good money for my daughter's driving lessons but I got lucky and found a Christian driving school in the phone book.. They usually work with you on the payments and they went with her when she went to take her driving test for her license. Next time your up for a lesson eat LOTS of beans before you go.

  4. Don't worry about it. First, find another instructor. In my experience, if they yell at you they will never stop. You can tell them to stop yelling, but they will yell at you on the next lesson again. It's just the nature of some people, and unfortunately instead of getting some professional help from a doctor, they choose to continue giving people driving lessons.

    That prick has no right to tell you what you can or cannot do. Only god knows that.

    He says you shouldn't be driving? Call him up and tell him that you think he shouldn't be "teaching". Then find another instructor. This one has no future with you.

    And above all, don't let anyone tell you how many driving lessons you need and when you should schedule for the test. Only YOU can know that. Don't listen to anyone when it comes to these things. If you need 20 lessons, so be it. If you need 50, that's fine too. It's your money and your life. F**k everyone who has a problem with that.

  5. Jasmin,

    Try not to let the instructor get to you.

    Try not to take it personally.

    Try to get a different instructor.

    Your instructor sounds like somebody with a lot of prejudicial preconceptions and assumptions who is not a trained instructor, nor has much experience.  You could be a 45 year old divorcee who never had to drive when she was married and he would treat you the same way.

    I never had an instructor like that, but years ago, I treated people much like this instructor does.  I have learned and changed my behavior, but not everybody can.  If there is any way for you to request a different instructor, take it!  Everybody is new at something and nobody should demean a person that way.  

    People who think driving is easy has never stopped to think about all the details that go into the physical mechanics of operating a moving vehicle.  Some people are so gifted with physical skills that they don't need to think about, they just do it.  Others, like myself, have to put a lot of thought into every action I perform until it becomes a habit.  I was not very coordinated as a teenager.  I had to try harder & longer than my peers.

    I would definitely advocate practicing with someone in a wide open space.  As Lori mentioned, parking lots & cemeteries are excellent, although the latter can have very narrow lanes.  Still, there are places like movie drive-ins, sporting stadiums, shopping centers & malls that can have acres of space.  

    I started driving a tractor down two-track lanes.  I moved up to practicing in a college campus parking lot.  But the first time I took the driving test, I failed.  I was crushed.  But, I persevered and the second time around I maxed the test.

    Remember, not everybody is the same and that goes for how we learn.  Some learn fast and easy while others must work hard for it.  The more details that distract us, the easier it is to make mistakes.  So try to stay focused on the tasks you perform, as you are asked to perform them, and try to ignore the instructor's tone and belittling comments.


  6. Most driving instructors are ******* and they will make you feel insignificant, and inferior as if they were trying to break you emotionally.

    Practice at home with your parents. The more practice you get, the better your confidence will be. Then retake your driving course.

    I lived my first 18 years in California. And I had a driving instructor from h**l! Everyone at school new her, and she was strict, no emotion, no expression on her face, and she marked you for every little thing. There were these kids that were playing and some crossed the street where I was driving. I stopped to let them cross and the last two kids didn't want to. They waved me on. So I started to go, and then they darted right in front of me. I got marked for it! I say it was their fault. Plus, they lived right there by the DMV and I heard that those kids did that on purpose to new drivers. UGH...made me mad. So I failed my first driving test at the DMV. I took it again and got a real nice man and he made me feel comfortable and confident. I passed!

    I think it is VERY important to make your student driver confident, and comfortable! Because if you don't, then they are going to be tensed up, and worrying about what the instructor is going to say or do, and that there can take your attention away from what you need to consentrate on. Know what I mean?

    It's ok sweetie. If you can, just toughen up, get a backbone, and don't let that sorry you know what of an instructor/teacher make you nervous. Hard to do I know. But if you want, just drop out of this class, and take one with a different teacher. Students are only as good as their teachers!!!! Most important to remember. So sweetie, this isn't your fault. There is something your teacher is not doing and that is so clear to me. Hang in there, and see if your parents will practice with you at home, or in the country setting where there are hardly any cars. Best place to practice is out in the boonies! That's where I practiced and also learned how to drive stick.

    Good luck to you! Chin up!

  7. I run a driving school in the UK and have several driving instructors working for me and my best advice to you is this;


    Don't have any more lessons with this person.

    Driving instructors should behave professionally and upsetting people and yelling at them hardly meets the definition of "professional".

    There are nearly 44,000 fully qualifed driving instructors in the UK at the present time so don't feel you need to stick with this idiot.

    The best way of finding a driving instructor is by personal recommendation - have any of your friends or family learnt to drive recently?

    If not, have a look at an advice webpage I've written to help people know what to look for when choosing a driving instructor -

    Have you told your parents what has been happening? If not, do so - and see if they will "have a word" with him (as a parent myself, I'd be furious if someone treated my children the way you seem to have been treated - whether you're finding driving easy or not, you should be treated with courtesy and respect).

    Driving instructors either work for themselves as a "one man band" (independents), or they hold a franchise with a larger driving school - if this man works for a driving school, COMPLAIN TO THE DRIVING SCHOOL. If any of my instructors treated their customers in the way you'd been treated, I would want to know about it, so that I could prevent it happening to anyone else...

    ...and lastly, PLEASE don't feel bad about yourself - not everyone finds learning to drive comes naturally.

    Driving is a major new skill to learn - probably the hardest new skill you've had to cope with since you learnt to walk and talk. It involves many different aspects including, co-ordination, motor skills, spatial awareness, cognitive skills and inter-personal skills and it takes time to be able to pull it all together - far more than 2 lessons and your instructor is an idiot for expecting ANYONE to be perfect after so little time. Everyone is different, but most people get there in the end and most important of all, they do it at AT THEIR OWN PACE AND IN THEIR OWN TIME.

    Your instructor won't last long in the business, as he clearly hasn't got a clue how to do the job and doesn't possess the necessary skills to teach effectively - I would hazard a guess that he isn't fully qualified either and is a trainee (you can get a temporary licence to teach for a period of 6 months as a way of gaining experience before the final driving instructor qualification).

    Good luck :)

  8. No i never had that problem. Driving isn't hard. Its very easy.  

  9. Who is this instructor? Are you/your parents paying for the lessons or is it someone from your school?

    This guy sounds like he shouldn't be teaching anything, let alone driving. Don't let yourself get discouraged by this guy- he is acting pretty inappropriately and the problem is probably more with him than with your driving no matter how bad it is.

    You're only learning right now, nobody should expect you to be perfect. Just try studying a little more and see if you can get extra lessons from a relative or someone to work on the specific stuff you're not as good at. Empty parking lots and cemeteries are good places to practice.

    Most people are terrible when they start, you just need practice (with someone who isn't a total jerk). Also definitely figure out a way to get a new driving instructor, and complain to whoever he works for.

    ETA_ any teacher who is yelling at a student driver is an idiot. That could be dangerous and is not going to help anyone. He needs a new job I think:)

  10. Don't worry Jasmine.  This guy is clearly just an ******.  He should expect to teach people of all skill levels.  Just keep it up, stick it out, and get that license.  

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