
I'm 17 and i'm virgin...

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike girlfriend wants to make love with me more than once a week... how can i do?




  1. what do you mean how can you do?

    obviously she WANTS to make love.

    i know you are really scared of being bad in bed and stuff since you havent ever had s*x before, but you seriously just have to do it. once you do, you will be happy you did it. hopefully.

    dont be afraid she will think you're bad. she knows you're a virgin. so she knows what to expect.

  2. buy a copy of the Karma Sutra

  3. do whatever she wants. wear a condom though.

  4. tell her what you want. if she's a good girlfriend, she'll accept it. if not, dump her. losing your virginity at 17 isn't acceptable in my opinion. r u ready to become a father if something goes wrong? ask your self that question before you go do anything you'll regret.

  5. What do you mean how can you do it?

    Just have s*x with her whenever she wants it....its as simple as that lol

  6. Well I know that I am going to get a lot of thumbs down for this but you should wait until marriage to have s*x.Practice abstinence.You should talk to your girlfriend about this and tell her that you are a virgin.You shouldn't be pressured into this.If she is not willing to respect the fact that you are a virgin and that you're not ready then maybe she's not the one.You should wait to have s*x because you don't want to lose your virginity to someone that you're not going to spend the rest of your life,do you?It's our life.If you are willing to lose your virginity to her then that's your choice.But whether or not you'll like that choice later on in life is the question.You should talk to her.Is she a virgin too.You need to find out if this is the girl that you want to marry later on in life or want to be with,if she isn't,rethink losing your virginity to her.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  7. its kind of obvious isnt it? your seventeen, your legal, you have agirlfriend that is willing to have s*x with you... shouldnt you be pleased?

  8. If you don't want to...then don't. It's not her choice and you will have other girlfriends that will be glad to wait with you. If you want to...then you should still wait. You could just end up being a father at 18. Sounds fun right?

  9. u stick ur thingy in her thingy.. and its all good, btw the more times per week the better

  10. Well there's nothing wrong with being a virgin not at all so dont feel bad about that! But if you want to remain a virgin until marriage then tell your girlfriend that you want to wait! Just talk to her and let her know if your uncomfortable about it

  11. oh my god you poor baby runaway..... runaway...

  12. "How can you do?" Um, well your 17. Do the math, my friend.

  13. Don't ......its better to wait.

  14. do whatever feels right.

    you really need information from people on yahoo?

  15. just be calm and if your not ready then tell her to wait

  16. man up

  17. i don't fully understand. but if your not ready then don't do it. you are a young adult and very few boys are still virgins at the age. when you are older you will meet women that are virgins as well and therefore you won't feel left out. women will value you more if you stay a virgin. but it's up to you:]]

  18. you being the guy, girl normally would think you are more experienced..does she know that you're a virgin? i suggest talking to her about it but try not to be awkward.

  19. where a condom. unless she wants to be pregnant.

  20. the best thing to do is just tell her flat out that your not ready and if she truly likes you she will lay off your nuts or your coutter

  21. do what...

  22. Well if you don't completely embarass yourself the first night (just kidding) Then you sure will get a lot of experience fast. :) That is if she's good already.

  23. If it concerns you so much, find a less aggresive girlfriend.  Don't let her talk you into something you're not ready for.

  24. Well like nike says. . .just do it!

  25. only do what you want to do its your body so don't let anyone pressure you into anything, when your ready you'll  know so till then i wouldn't worry bout it. wait till your actually in love so its special and you don't regret it and if shes real experienced what about v.d. pregnancy isn't the worst thing that can happen. becareful think it out good luck

  26. OK dude you're seventeen! At least wait until you're a legal adult!

  27. I guess she is REAL experienced and you can enjoy the partners she screwed around with because that is what will happen. Hold your ground or le her move on.


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