
I'm 17 and i think i might be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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so my boyfriend and i have just gotten back together and i decided that i was ready. The first couple of time after i was "broken in" (lost my virginity to him) as he calls it, we used condoms but the last two times they made me dry and it was painful so he would just take it off. The last last time i didnt even know it was off and he came inside me and now i think i might be a mom. should i should a doc which wont be for another few weeks or should i buy a home preg test and do it by myself???? OH and does it matter that it was the wk after my period? Is that when your ovulating??




  1. ok first of all don't panic, and ignore all those 'not useful' comments above, as it happened now and we need to find a solution rather than moan...

    when was it that u had unprotected s*x? when are ur periods due? dates are always important.

    it doesn't matter when u have had s*x, as long as it was unprotected there is always a chance of getting pregnant even if u had s*x while on ur periods...

    give us some dates and i will check it to see how i can help.

    NEXT time please, if the condom hurts, use lube, and go to ur GP and get some pills.

    try to learn a bit more about periods/pregnancy and all that, could be useful!! xx

  2. You mean you weren't ready for a baby? If you aren't ready for a baby, you aren't ready for s*x.

    Get a home pregnancy test, and tell your parents.  They need to know that they'll really not have much choice but to help you out with this mistake.

  3. im not goin to lie u could be pregnant so then first day ur periods ment to come and if it doesnt take a test then coz it should be able to tell if u are or not at that stage but if ur not


  4. Surely at 17 you should have known better than to have s*x without a condom if you were using no other type of contraception? There's not a lot of point doing a pregnancy test this early on as it most likely won't show you anything. A blood test is likely to be the only way to tell if you only had s*x a few days ago. But yes, basically, theres a good chance you could be pregnant.

  5. Well the average girls cycle is 28 days and ovulation occurs 14 days after your period starts.

    But that's not everyone, I was a 37 days cycle and irregular.

    Take a home pregnancy test. If it comes back negative try again in a week and be sure to use morning urine because it's stronger concentration.

    Otherwise go see a doctor or go to a womens clinic and request a blood test.

  6. Use a pregnancy test.

  7. Go and take a home pregnancy test. You really shouldn't have unprotected s*x, IF it makes you dry and it hurt then you should be on the pill or the depo shot or the implantation, OR you could try different brand or types of condoms before you give up all together. Are you late?? And ovulating comes at different for different ppl u should look up a ovulating timetable and check it out, but still go the home pregnancy test and if yes go to the doctor.

  8. oh wow, your boyfriend sounds like a real keeper.. broken in?  Isn't he just prince charming.  And you're having s*x dry?  Does he know nothing about how to please a woman?  don't you know anything about foreplay?  honestly, you know as much about s*x as you do about protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy - this is why you shouldn't be having s*x.  Yes, you could be pregnant - yes get a test 2 weeks afte you had s*x, and 2 weeks after that IF it was negative as it can take 4 weeks to show up.  And if you're not pregnant - please get tested for STD/STI'd because seriously sweetheart, your boyfriend is having s*x unrptoected elsewhere and you could be carrying something a LOT more distressing than a baby.  Grats genius - if you were smart you'd dump him and gain some smarts - and self respect.  Hope you're clean - as stupid as I think you've been, I hope it works out for you.

  9. and for the last couple of years, you've been hearing NOTHING about how to protect yourself?

    This is how 17 young women in my hometown (Gloucester MA) ended up pushing strollers in high school.

  10. You've never heard of KY Jelly?...a vaginal lubricant???

    " Broken in ? "  God, he's making you out to sound like a horse!

    You contradict yourself here. You say, " The last two times they made me dry and it was painful so he would just take it off. The last time i didn't even know it was off and he came inside me. " You can't say it was painful so he took it off and you didn't know about it.

    Apparently you KNEW you'd be around your ovulation time...otherwise you wouldn't be asking. So, you KNEW you were running the risk of becoming pregnant...not just because of no condom use but your timing as well.

    You were smart enough to know you could ovulate when you had s* be smart enough and answer your own question. A home pregnancy test doesn't require anyone other than YOU to do it. It's not like it comes with a doctor & a nurse inside the box to answer your questions.

  11. The week after your period is a VERY good time to get pregnant. Couple who are trying to conceive will start trying around Day 9 or 10 of the cycle. You have the best chances of pregnancy when sperm are already in place BEFORE you ovulate. They can live up to five days.

    But come on, seriously. I know you're new at this, but how can you NOT know he wasn't wearing a condom? And how is your boyfriend rationalizing his behavior? Presumably neither of you wants a child, yet you both seem to be trying your damndest to make one.

    Take a home pregnancy test if your period is late. If you can't wait for your period, you can start testing two weeks after the s*x. However, two weeks is too early to trust a negative result. A positive would be accurate that early. A negative might only mean low levels of pregnancy hormones.

  12. your boyfriend needs to talk to you before he goes and take the condom off and finishes inside of you

    its unlikley

    but a possibility that you are preggo

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