
I'm 17 and pregnant what should i do?

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i had a one night stand wit an older lad and now i found out im pregnant.. i dont know what to do? he doesnt know that i'm pregnant, i dont know how to tell him, and i dont know how to tell my parents. Please if anyone has any bit of advice please let me know.




  1. All you can do know is tell your parents and talk to them about it and then talk to that guy and see whats going on  

  2. just be brave..

    because well u are goin to start to show u know...

    so might as well be now than later...

    but you should def. let the father know

  3. first off TELL HIM   there's good way to break this news

    maybe dinner or sumthing

    don't tell him over the phone only in person

    good luck with that

  4. im 16 and 3 months pregnant and my baby daddy dont even take responsibility so yes you should tell him and if he act stupid theres always child support

  5. Well,

    hunt the guy down and tell him. its something he needs to know.

    If you cant provide for the baby then give it up for adoption.

  6. You have to tell your parents, I would tell them before the guy.

  7. you have to him now do it for your baby my friend

  8. go to gp/doctor thingy and ask them whats the best idea.

    seriously, i kno its not the best thing to do, but if you were me i would get an abortion and never tell my parents :S

  9. Ok you are not a kid anymore Time to be a woman! Tell your mom and dad now! No sense in wating. You may be surprised at the support they dish out. Of course they will be dissapointed. What parent would'nt be? Trust me when I say that no matter how bad you think their reaction will be it will come full circle and all you will have is the love and support. I have 3 daughters and one is almost a teen and I hope she or her sisters do not become moms before they are 25 but if it should happen they know me and their daddy will be in their corner (after I choke them). As for the father of your baby, do NOT expect too much in the way of support. Good Luck on that. Do make a plan. Babies are expensive. There are resorces you should look into quickley. WIC daycare assistance ect... Visit the local Health Department and find out what kind of help is out there for you. STAY IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a job NOW and SAVE SAVE SAVE. No one is ever prepared money wise for a child. I hope you can live at home with your folks.  The day will come to move out on your own. Take your time with that. Learn to budget your money. Always have money for  an emergency, like car repairs. There are classes you can take to learn to budget. I can't stress the importace of having and saving money.  I was a single mom of two for 6 years and no one sat me down to teach me and I learned the hard way. Thank God I have a wonderful husband. He helped so much during the years we dated. I got lucky in love. But don't count on Prince Charming to swoop in and rescue you and your baby. It will be such a struggle, but if you get your mind in check and focus on yours and your baby's future you will do fine. Forget about going out and parties and shopping. Those things no longer hold water in your life. There will come a day, trust me, when the fun will return. Right now your main goal is survival. The world is not a kind place. If you don't already know that you will.  You are so young and now you are forced by your own actions to grow up. Find support on every level but help yourself. Be smart about this and ask your parents to guide you. You need them more than ever now. I wish you the best. If you need to talk    email me

  10. One night stand??  --- You may want to have a STD/HIV test done to make sure you didn't catch anything.

    Then look into abortion laws if that is something you'll be okay with. But do it quick the longer you wait and let the baby grow, the worst it becomes. If you're against abortion then look into the adoption system. Either way get rid of it, so you can get back to your life. I'm 19 and thank goodness I'm not pregnant but if I was I wouldn't let some baby kill of my plans, for school, career, and future goals.

    In the end it will be you decision. Good luck.

  11. i'm 17 too and this is my last year at school and i have a 9months baby and let me tell you that is difficult being a single mother but i think you should find the best moment to tell them they'll understand you, i wish you the best and keep the baby

  12. It's too late for advice, now, the deed is already done. I would advise you to keep your legs closed in the future though. Kids shouldn't be having s*x period. I don't care if it's legal at the age of 16 or not, you guys still can't handle all the repercussions!  

  13. Be honest and tell your parents the truth as they can provide the support you need and give you some advice. Tell the lad because he has a right to know because he is the father of the baby. Honesty is the best policy and explain to them honestly whats happened. I know you are young and it is a hard situation, but being honest will help the situation. Not telling them will make it worse for you and for everyone and also if you leave it to later your options will be limited. Ultimately it is your decision whether you keep the baby or have an abortion, you need to decide what is best for you and the baby and what you want to do, i.e keep the baby or have an abortion. Talking to your family or a counselor may help you to discuss your options and may help you to come to a solution of what to do.

    I hope this helps you and take care of yourself.


  14. i'm 17 also 9months old bay, i think you should stay in schoo and have your baby, i think you should talk ot your parents when you ready to tell them

  15. It's what you shouldn't have done.  So long as you kids stay off welfare I don't care, nor no one should care, how you run your lives.  Do what you like, just don't ask me or other adults to support you with our tax dollars.  

  16. ok 1st breathe relax this happended for a reason.

    tell him right away. this is his issue too and he needs to be included in the decsion you make.

    you have options. if your not ready for a child put it up for an adoption, check out the abortion laws in your state.

    go to planed parent hood they will help you out alot more and they can better explain everything. good luck :)

  17. Try telling sum1 u r close 2. u need to decide weather u will have the support around u. do u kno the father or did u meet him that nite? think about that. U need to think about whats goin 2 b best for u and the baby.

  18. Try writing him a letter, it could be easier than saying it out loud. Then consider your options, I think you have 4 that I can think of:

    • have an abortion (depends how far gone you are though)

    • give the baby up for adoption

    • tell your parents and ask them if they would consider adopting it legally, then it would be a part of your family

    • keep the baby!

    Hope this helps.

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