
I'm 17 days late on my period and have a negative preggers test

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ok i just tested for pregnancy and the test said negative..but still haven't had my period and I'm 17 days late....there is no sign of a period...but i have had ALL of the early pregnancy signs...some of the women in my family have had trouble in the past producing the hCG hormone when they get they cannot produce a ppositive test until actively in i'm wondering if that is the problem with me...or could it be something more serious????(also im not stressed and i have not recently started exercizing)




  1. RafaelSolomon

    Based on your question that you are having pregnancy symptoms, but still getting a negative pregnancy test this might be because of two reasons:

    1. First the miscalculation of your period time. Since the average menstrual cycle is 28 days and if you are not getting it in regular interval then this might be the cause of negative test results.

    2. Second condition is when the implantation occurs. Until after implantation the chances of getting positive pregnancy is quite low.

    However, 17 days is generally quite late to know whether you are pregnant or not. I think you should quickly take a home pregnancy test by the help of kits available at with the first morning sample of urine. It will give you an accurate result, but if you have still any doubt then it’s important to consult with doctor instead of believing anyone’s opinion.

  2. hi im 17 days late today on my period i have done 3 hpt all with negative results...i went to see my doctor and he sent me for a blood test (hcg) on monday...i have never been this late on my period apart from when i was pregnant with my little girl who is now nearly 3 years old...would you suggest i am pregnant....i did have an itermination last july which i really regret could it be something to do with that i do hope im pregnant as it would make my life sooo much happier for myself and my husband...thank you

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