
I'm 17 (senior in high school) and I have failed my road test twice?

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I am really depressed about it and I feel like I am the only person my age who doesn't have their driver's license. The second time I took the test I was a lot more confident but I found out that I go over the line some at stop signs and when I am turning corners. I had no idea I was making those two mistakes and the instructor told me that I lost 12 points just for one of them. So I feel stupid and alone and I feel like I'm not qualified to drive. It makes me cry because I feel like I will never pass. He told me that if I work on those two mistakes and my parallel parking I will pass. Now I have no confidence and I feel like everyone else has their license while I am stuck without it. Advice? Stories? Please don't give me negative answers such as "You shouldn't be on the road" or "you don't deserve to get your license." I would never tell you that and that is already what I am starting to think myself so I don't need to hear it from others. Thanks for responding! :)




  1. Why not attend Drivers Education school ?

  2. i'm 18 and i've never taken a road test... some friends at my dorm would try to teach while lending me their cars to go buy stuff or get someone and stuff.. i might take that test this winter break... that being said, i am 18 and youre 17, so dont feel like having a license is a *must*, did i die? no, i lived

  3. That Sucks!  Take a parent out and get some practice and then go at it again.

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