
I'm 17wks preg NEED HELP PLZ?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm preg. and everything is great with my preg. and my husband has been great with my mood suings and helping around the house the thing is when I about 3yrs old I was sexualy abused till I was about 11yrs old{eventually he rape me]I had never been to terapy untill know that I'm preg. and my husband convince me I had never had a problem with my sexual abuse history untill now I think about it a lot and when my husband and I are having s*x I get flash backTherapy is not working cause I can't talk about the abuse I went trough with out crying and eventually I walk out of therapy cession I wanted to know if anyone out there knows og a website were i can talk to people I think it will make it easier if I don't have to see the people face to face Thank you any advice will help.




  1. I was sexualy abused as a child also and I just had my second baby and my unchel was the one who did it to me he just gt out of jell not to long a go and im having dreams of him coming over to my house and dreams of when iwas a little girl i cant find my self to tell my husband i havent told no one about it till you so if you find a place could you let me know my e mail is     thanx

  2. Find something time consuming.

    It will take your mind off it

    thats what my mom did, but she was never abused.

    she just witnessed her dad dieing.

  3. Maybe that is why you still get flashbacks when you have s*x with your husband, because you need to get it off your chest. If you want it to get better you need to tell your mother and make her understand how it makes you feel and how it has recked your life. I once got raped by a bloke i didn't know, i told someone and eventually i got better, it will take time just be patient, but you do need to tell your mum. It should make your life a little easier, but she does need to know. It's not good for you or the baby to keep it held in.

  4. sweety im so sorry to hear that.. something similar happened to me and ive had visions before too but my husbans is the only one who knows about it.. and he hates that person and wishes bad things.. and who did it is family.. i dont speak or talk to that person or even socialize about him.. thank god hes in prison.. good luck! ill pray for you! xo

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