
I'm 18. Going into college. My parents are controling. Help!?

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I live at home with my parents, grandmother (who has alsheimer's), and my cousin. They expect me to be home at 1230 every night. They told me if I move out that they wouldn't pay for school (a $40,000 bargaining chip). I really want to go to college. My boyfriend has his own place (been together for 5 months) and always wants me to stay the night...I did one time and had to hear from them what a s**t I was and how bad that made me (and them...?) look. They expect me to take care of crazy grandma and drive my cousin places...They want me to have adult responsibilities but still treat me like I'm 16. They always tell me how I'm being really disrespectful and when I explain myself they get angrier and try and be more controling. Help.




  1. well now 18 minus 2 is 16. Anyway I think $40,000 for college is worth it. You should not throw your life away over a b/f. You don't need a baby either now. I say study hard and stay in college and think of the bright future you will have upon graduating with that degree. My daughter worked her way to college and it wasn't easy. I am so proud of her. She then taught school before marriage and now has 3 beautiful children too.

    Think ahead and not in the short sight of now now now...

  2. You have two choices that I see.

    1. Put up with it until you finish college.

    2. Move out and pay your own way.

    I'd be taking number 2, myself. Freedom is more important to me than money. It may not be the most sensible choice, but then who's to say?

  3. Well you are 18 and that is wrong of them to treat you like that, and i know that college is expensive, and i know that you are grateful that they are gonna pay but thats still not fair how they are treating you,

    Ok you can start by having a talk with them letting them know how you feel about the situation because you are an adult. and if they still dont wanna except what you have to say;  there are plenty of grants that you can apply for and also try finical aide because you will never experience life being treated like that.

  4. Explain to them your in college and need to start standing on your own two feet. Make sure they know you understand you can't pay for college on your own and you will always need your help. offer to take your cousin sometimes and they might stop forcing you to.  

  5. Oh I knw wat that's lyk! it's tough.

    You have to let them knw that you're no longer just a kid but you're not completely independent either. You're still their kid, but you need to have space to grow up. You're curfew is there bcoz they're juz concerned abourt you. But just let them know that you're too old for a curfew and if ever you stay out past that time txt or call them n let them knw ur still alive. Or they might file a missing child's report, lol.

    Tell them it's important 4 u 2 move out so you'll know what it feels like to be living on your own and you'll still keep in touch with them.

    Sometimes parents will feel that they're losing their baby and they'll want to keep you from leaving the nest. But just let them know how much it means to you, because if they really are loving and understanding parents then they'll allow you to do it.

  6. Tough situation to be in. Are you going to be commuting to school? You really can't do anything at this point, except for stand up for yourself. You can't move out, or else you'll be sacrificing your education. Don't let them treat you like a kid, by refusing to back down. But still, respect them (ugh I know i couldnt if someone ever called me a s**t)

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