
I'm 18 and my parents found out I'm having s*x?

by Guest64363  |  earlier

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my mom and dad do not understand that i am no longer 10 years old and are WAYYYYy too over protective over me. I KNOW that they are going to have a fit with me when i get home from work. what can i say to them to show them that i am mature enough to make my own decisions?




  1. Maybe you could let them know why you felt it was the right time for you to have s*x and calmly explain that (if you are) You are happy with your decision and if you did regret it, it would be a learning experience. Just make sure that no matter what happens you stay calm.

  2. There is more to life than having s*x at your age.  Why not wait until you find your true love.  s*x only complicates things.  You have lots of years to find your true love.  Listen to your parents and do what they say.  They have lots of years of wisdom and experience.

  3. You are a legal adult, there is nothing they can do.

  4. as long as you live with them you are going to have to respect their wishes. show remorse. hopefully you mean it and they will believe it.

  5. the way you're talking isn't showing maturity.

    why don't you have s*x when you're in a real relationship?


    Oh, and moving out on your own at 18 isn't as easy as people make it out to be, believe me.

  6. well, you should tell them you can handle a baby now that your old enough and mature enough, i'm sure they'll can right?

  7. you need to really talk to your parents and let them know that you are no longer a kid-now grown. as long as you're under their roof and giving them respect it shouldn't be any problems. you shouldn't have to give them your money if you're out working for it. you said they found out you having s*x, whats the big deal, you're 18.

  8. Well you are legally an adult now.

  9. So sit down and have a mature discussion with them (aka no yelling, screaming, or tantrum throwing). Tell them that it is a personal and private choice that you and your significant other made. Remind them that you are an adult and capable of making your own decisions regarding your personal life and then assure them that you're using protection.

  10. Welcome to the world of being an adult.  Your decisions are not always going to please everyone, including your parents.  As an adult making adult decisions, you need to decide if you can live in your parents' home with their rules or if you need to move out on your own.  Seriously, if your parents are not happy with your decision to have s*x at this point, you need to move out, get your own place and make your own rules.  Remember, you decisions affect others.

  11. first of all stop letting them hold on to your money you can open a bank account without them.  And so what you had s*x most teenagers do and you are of legal age now, move out and start your life

  12. I think your parents are having a hard time dealing with the fact that you are an adult now and don't know how to react. When they come home talk to them like an adult (don't get upset or overreact) and tell them you know that they are concerened about you but that they raised you right and you are making concious adult decisions. You may want to consider moving out though as it is their home (if you are doing it there).

  13. they are right when it comes to there rules when you live with them, so the answer is.....get a job if you dont already have one, and move out! Find a roomate, like a friend to cut costs in half.

  14. hate to break it to you, but your an official adult now so your actually ALLOWED to have s*x. if your parents cant understand that, then they are just going to have to deal with it..sad..but true!

  15. 18 is just a number, legally declares that you're an adult, but it doesn't mentally

    If you want to show them that you're mature enough to make your own decisions you have to do it on a daily basis, with all of your actions there's nothing you can say that will grant you their trust.


  17. your old enough, all they can do is ask you not to do it in their house. thats it! Its their rule under their roof. move out and you'll have all the privacy in the world!!!!

  18. they cant take your money as long as you earn it.

    If they are that is called stealing and is illegal.

    I advice you get your money and leave.

    You are 18 now you can do as you like.

    y would you even let them near your money

  19. lol hmm why wuld they be mad mayb its a one night stand u had..? and how did they find out? im 16 and even if i were 18 my mom woulld kill me if i had s*x this young lol. dk jus say u dint do it simple :)

  20. LOL..I have a daughter and I couldnt except that she was having s*x. (well thinking of it..she is only four) But there is no real way to explain that to your parents, they worry about diease and pregnacy. the only thing you can possible say is that your an adult and do use protection, and you deeply care for this person. Wow.....this is what I have to expect from my daughter-thats

    But my advice is to make sure you always use protection no matter what.No exceptions-no glove-no love!

  21. If you are 18, they can not legally hold onto money that is yours.

    Now, what to do when you get home.

    Let them have their fit.

    don't argue. listen.

    thank them for caring.

    that's it.

  22. id suggest that you begin with telling them that whilst you understand where they are coming from, and appreciate their concern, you are 18 and incontrol of your body and actions.good luck!

  23. your a adult

  24. Most teenagers prove their parents RIGHT by acting like spoiled brats when they are in your situation.  Do the opposite.  Be very calm.  Don't fight with them at all.  Just say

    "I know you are my parents and you want what is best for me.  I am 18 now and this is my decision.  I promise you that I am using protection (you are using protection, RIGHT????) and I am not going to get pregnant.  Don't worry, I know I have my whole life ahead of me, so I am not going to make a mistake that will ruin my life."

    Then prove it to them, by not ruining your life.  Go to college.  Date only nice guys who are not abusive, druggies, gangsters, etc.  Don't turn into a girl who sleeps with everyone, take care of yourself.

    Good luck with this.

  25. you're 18 and a legal adult so tell them they have to just deal with it! wait are you in high school? if you are then explain to them that you felt you were ready and you were totally responsible about it!

  26. exactly. you're an ADULT. they need to get over it & if you still live @ home maybe you should save up & find a roommate so you can move out & not have to worry about them giving u c**p

  27. tell them you were safe

  28. 18 is young as the consequences for having s*x sometimes are very adult decisions.  What happens if a pregnancy occurs.

    Remember the class "Think it over Baby?"

  29. let them know that is you are using protection with hopefully you are

  30. 18=ADULT

  31. They can't 'not allow' you to move out, you're an adult act like one. Move in with your boyfriend and don't give your parents your check from work.

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