
I'm 18 & having a verry hard time getting pregnant?

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i tried to get pregnant before and it took me 9 months and i got pregnant in October and miscarried in December and been trying since januray and now were aug. and so thats 8 months and still no luck! Ive forgotten about it and let time take its way but i start to think about it again lately and still nothings happened. me & my husband really want a baby but no luck! what can i do to improve my chances?




  1. If you can isolate the days you are most fertile, have s*x every other day during that time period.  You could use an ovulation predictor kit or read up on the natural signals your body gives of ovulation.

  2. First of all sorry about your miscarriage. I had one 3 weeks ago and it still hurts very much. My hubby and I tried to get pregnant last year but then my period stopped for half a year, and we were having fun(partying, you know) so we stopped. This year I went to the doctor, just to get some pills for my cycle to start again. Well when my hubby and I planned to get pregnant. I would look online at to see when I was ovulating it gives you the dates. If you know the exact day of your last period, how long your cycles are(usually 28 days is normal but for me I'm 35 days) you just type in that in the website, and like I said it will give you the exact days. If that doesn't work within a month, then  you should go to the doctor.  Good luck :)

  3. I think maybe this is a sign not to try to get pregnant right now. You and your husband should enjoy being married. save for a house, travel, just enjoy being in love because when the baby comes, your time and energy goes to the child.

    This video may help

  4. Make sure both of you eat well balanced meals, including breakfast,  don't smoke, exercise and live healthy lives.  I'd also take a multi-vitamin--women's for you and men's for him.

  5. Um yur way to young to be having kids. Stop trying and wait. Yur crazy. Get help

  6. Keep trying. My husband and I tried for almost 3 years before I got pregnant. After just over 2 years I started working with a homeopathic dr to balance my hormones and she put me on a low dose of progesterone. Three months later I was prego! I don't know how you feel about the natural side of it, but it worked for us! I just couldn't go on Clomid. I didn't feel right about it and wasn't thrilled about the side effects... Good luck and baby dust to you!

  7. The good news is that you have made a pregnancy before.

    You made need some intervention to help you along.  I would recommend you go to an ob gyn they may be able to help you out.  I don't think you need a specialist just yet.

    Good luck.

  8. have you talked to a doctor about this? it could be either you or your husband, for example, your husband could have low sperm count.

  9. ur too young to get pregnant and too young to hav a husband too u souldnt be worring about that get an education instead

  10. You blood types are probably incompatible.  

  11. Maybe it's not you - maybe it's your husband.

    Gosh, when I was 18 I was having waaaaaay too much to even think about getting married or having a kids.  I'm glad I waited. To each his own.

  12. I know I have no right to ask ... but why is having a child so urgent? You're 18; think this through.

  13. aw. sorry about your miscarriage.. You may want to see a Doctor to see if your body is functioning right. good luck!

  14. seeing a doctor to make sure something isnt wrong is the best option

  15. Why are you in such a hurry to get pregnant?  You are very young.  Why not get an education first so you can give your child a good life.  Believe me, I was a parent at age 20.  Not getting a college degree has haunted me my whole life.  Being a parent was the most important thing to me in my life, but I have always had to work.  If I could do it over, I would have gone to college first and then married and had children.  Once you are a parent you are responsible for that child until they are at least 18 years old.  Enjoy your life, don't rush into anything that will be a life long commitment.  

  16. I really think you should wait till you're older before getting pregnant.

    18 is very young. You should be in college. Just think about it; this is a lifelong commitment. For the next 20 years or so, your life will be about this kid. And it's not just a cute little baby. It's more than that.

  17. forget about trying and do what you have to do....

    Try to have a consolation with a doctor and see what you guys can do


  18. Just so you know people are going to bash you for being 18 and trying to get pregnant. What is the rush though, you are really young.  

  19. I was on birth control pills for a while, and it took about a year to conceive after I quit them (I've heard a month for every yr on is the norm).

    Surely you have insurance coverage if you are planning for a child? This will pay towards infertility testing - make an appointment with your doctor. Sometimes - and especially after a miscarriage - you can have an 'infection' that you have no symptoms of. You may need a D&C. This happened to me, and I conceived shortly after.

    Otherwise, there are lots of things you can do to improve on fertility  and increase the chances of conception. Goggle it, dear, for more answers than you can get here!

    Good luck to you and your family.

  20. Why don't you wait a while and enjoy your husband for a while...after a couple of years go see a fertility specialist  

  21. So very sorry about your loss. Have you thought about having a physical and speaking to your Dr. Your body has been through a trauma, it may take a bit of time to heal, stress about not being able to conceive could be a factor.We can't give you an answer,but we can suggest and try to support you. Talk to your husband and go see you Dr. together.....Good Luck.....

  22. you may want to try to go to a fertility clinic. My neighbors had been trying to get pregnant for 10 years and now they are. So it can take a lot of time and s*x. lol. But try a fertility clinic and view all of your options. hope this helps!

  23. Make sure to have s*x 1 1/2 - 2 1/2  weeks after your period ends. Your most likely to get pregnant around that time period.

    But why the rush to have kids? Enjoy being young while you still can! Life goes by too fast!

  24. Glad to hear you are married.

    Every couple I know who was nervously waiting to get pregnant did so after they relaxed and stopped obsessing over it.

    You're young yet.  I didn't have my first kid until I was 32!


  25. First off, why are you married when you're only 18?

    Secondly, why would you want a baby when you're still a child???  I'm sorry, I know that the "legal age of an adult" is 18, but there are 18-year-olds in high school so to me, they're kids.  Wait until you have a college degree and have a stable job.  At 18 there is NO WAY you have a good paying job.  Wait and see if your marriage lasts another five years before bringing an innocent child into the world.

    I am sorry that you miscarried before but that doesn't mean you should continue trying for a baby now.

  26. You are too young to have a baby for one.

    You really want your body do dissolve?


    if you already miscarried once, your body is telling you something!

    maybe you should wait. until you are fully matured (after 21 of course is when you fully mature)

    baby's are a big responsibility.

    why are you married so young?


    not trying to get in to your business.

    but I honestly think its a good decision to wait to have a baby.

    You are just young and excited to have one! trust me! i've been there too! i wanted one so bad.

    I'm 18 as well.

    but i decided not to have one, because it was too early ! i have a life to live and bigger decisions to make.

    i work a S****y job making nothing! i need to go to college so that when I do have kids i'll have a house to raise them at, a good stable husband, and money! so that i can get them good insurance and not welfare. so im PROUD of what i've accomplished.

  27. Your 18 and want a baby? You better have good career roles and plan this properly.

    Just keep trying and maybe see a doctor on your chances other then that i dont know.

  28. talk to a doctor and see if you or your husband have a reproductive problem, like if your husband has a low sperm count or if you have a blood disorder that only effects your reproductive system or something...


  30. pregnant at 18?

    no offense whatsoever but i think that you may want to rethink your life

    18 means you have a great deal of living ahead of you

    but if you seriously want to put yourself in that position ide check out a doctors opinion many things cause your situation

  31. I have heard that you count 15 days after your last period and that is when most women are fertile!!

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