
I'm 18 weeks pregnant and want to start buying stuff but am scared?

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there is a big baby sale this week and i want to go and do some baby shopping ya no baby wipes bottles a cot that kind of stuff but am to scared its to soon everyone is telling me sure go for it might as well but my boyfriend thinks its to soon wat do you think??




  1. Don't listen to your boyfriend. It is not to early and believe me you will want all the diapers you can get in advanced. My husband said the same thing and now we only have 3 packs of diapers. That will last like a week. Trust me go get baby wipes and diapers. Plus it's fun to buy stuff it makes you feel like a mommy!

  2. it's never too early to start. the earlier you start buying things the less you will have to buy later. with my first (06), i waited until later to start getting things and it's harder to go shopping when you get farther along. plus my first came a month early. i'm on my second (almost 18 wks) and my boyfriend is saying the same thing. i want to make sure i have everything before. just a little advice, when the baby is in one size of clothes start buying the next size up.

  3. I started buying things at like 12 weeks. Just little things like bibs and such. We didn't buy anything big but its just too exciting!!!!!!! I say go for it. At least you are past the 12 week mark

  4. It's never too soon to buy baby wipes and diapers on sale.  Stock up now.  

    Sounds like your boyfriend is freaking out.  And if you're "scared" to buy baby stuff, it sounds like you're freaking out, too.  Why don't you two get married?  Have you considered adoption?  Raising a baby on your own is a big deal.  These questions aren't meant to offend.  You need to consider all your options.

  5. I don't think it's too soon at all. At 18 weeks along I had alot of stuff already. What are you waiting for??

  6. Don't worry about buying stuff too early.  The moment I found out I was having a girl (19 weeks) I went out and bought a bunch of cute little girlie outfits... I just HAD to.

    Since then, whenever I am out at Walmart or where ever... I pick up odds and ends.  I already have alot of the bigger stuff (crib, changing table, stroller, car seat, room is all ready and decorated, etc) so I'm trying to leave the "cutesy" stuff for my shower in October... since everyone keeps telling me not to buy EVERYTHING because other people will want to buy something for me.

    However, diapers and wipes... you can never have too much!

    In my opinion, there is ALWAYS a "chance" of something going wrong in pregnancy... whether you're 10 weeks or 40 weeks... but we cannot sit around worrying about it!  I want to be prepared for my baby and I don't want to have to spend an arm and a leg on products all at once.  It's much easier to stock up over time.  So feel free to buy the things you need... it will make it easier on you in the end!  And don't let your mind start wondering "well what if..." because it's best to just keep a positive attitude:  everything is going to be FINE!


  7. discuss it with him. you will need all of this stuff.

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