
I'm 18 years old & don't know what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I lost my virginity on the 28th of July. I bled for 10 days after that I guess from It being my first time. So, my period came 6 days late but when It came, It was really light, then got heavier like my normal period for two days, then It's brown like It's ending. But when I wipe, I see blood. So It's like my period is stopping & then starting again. I took a hpt on Saturday & then I went to the clinic yesterday & both tests came back negative. I don't know why my period is acting like this. I'm not having pregnancy symptoms. Could It be just me adjusting????

I'm so lost & I'm stressed because I've heard of tests reading negative when they really should have been positive & I just need advice & or opinions. I'm starting college next week & I really don't need this stress. Nor do I need a baby right now.

Just please someone help me........




  1. okay . ima gonan try and answer as best as i could ,

    i was trying to get pregnant at a point in my life, and i thougth i was one time because my period came light for a while , then heavier and lasted long like that , and when i went to the ER they told me that it was my body trying to get pregnant at a wrong time , so it was a sort of like a misscarrige but without an actual baby . u know ?

    , so dont worry about it if its negative its NEGATIVE , my doctor told me when i got sexually active to start birth control ... i too lost my virginity at 18 !

    so just keep using a pad until its done .. i fyou do continue to bleed to the point where your soaking up a pad in less then a hour go to the er.. otherwise ... relax !!!!!!!

  2. I was completely irregular,when ever i first started having s*x with my boyfriend they straightend out.I think your chances of being pregnant are pretty low.Most likely just your body adjusting.

  3. I am a CMA

    It is stress and hormones you are not pregnant not only going off the tests but because you got a period..It is possible you had an infection.

    Did you have a pap?? If not you should have one

    No it is not normal to bleed for 10 days after having s*x you should only bleed a day or two and it is not bleeding like a period

  4. unless you started your period right after you had s*x, its not normal for you to bleed for 10 days b/c of s*x

  5. Well let me just say that I HIGHLY doubt that you're pregnant, especially if you've been bleeding heavily. It is fairly common for stress to cause periods to come late due to a later ovulation day, so if losing your virginity caused you to worry about getting pregnant then you could very well be experiencing that.

    I would stop worrying about it. I'm sure that the negative tests were correct. Otherwise just keep taking tests until you get your next oeriod if it makes you feel better. And please, if you're going to continue to have s*x, get on some sort of birth control to avoid this kind of situation in the future!

  6. ok first off BREATHE and then go to you dr or caregiver and tell them what happened, more than likely you just had a period right after s*x and then got an infection. If that is the case you need to be on antibiotics it is aslo possible you may have caught an STD. So My main suggestion is go to a dr You may even be able to find a free clinic to go to and let them know what is up

  7. It does not sound like pregnancy.  Bleeding for 10 days b/c of sexual relations is not the norm.  You probably started your period after you had s*x.  For the starting and stopping, that could be anything from stress (starting college, worrying about pregnancy, hormones...)  you should go see a Dr. and have a pap done, just to make sure that you are ok.  Try not to worry overmuch in the meantime, just make the time to go in and have yourself checked out for the peace of mind.

    Good luck, honey!  You will be fine!

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