
I'm 19, me and my boyfriend want a baby?

by  |  earlier

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we've been trying to have a baby for about a month now and nothing. I missed my period this month and i had a doctors appointment yesterday and i found out i have a urinary track infection and that my thyroid is throwing off my periods. I've never had regular periods. How do i go about conceiving a baby without knowing how to track my ovulation??




  1. I understand that you and your boyfriend want to have a baby, I'm also 19 and my boyfriend is 20, we've been together for 3 years and we have plans of marriage for the future and we too want to have a baby but haven't succeeded. we've been trying since last december almost eight months ago. We know we're young but if I didn't have endometriosis we would probably wait until we both finish college but the more we wait the harder it will become to succeed or I will become infertile. We both have stable jobs and the support of my family not his but we know that we can make with or without a baby. You explain that you have plans of marriage by the end of the year but are they going to happen? Does he have a stabble job? Is he going to support you and the baby not you support him and the baby? I also don't like negative answers or comments but these are things you can think about. You were saying that you have irrigular periods, about three years ago i had to get on birth control for that same reason because i had a period twice a month and that can interfere with ovulation so i suggest to get on birth control for about three months just to regulate them and it's said that once off birth control you should be able to conceive on the first try. but if you don't want to do that just keep trying and it should eventually become pregnant I would think it you don't have any problems with your ovaries, uterus, or your fallopian tubes. Good Luck and sorry for the long answer.

  2. First off, only trying for a month isn't anything. You really shouldn't worry until you have been trying for 6+ months, and even then a doctor will recommend trying for a year before they will try anything like fertility drugs.

    If you are not tracking ovulation, the only thing to do is to have s*x and hope for the best.

  3. are you crazy, why at 19 are you ready for a baby? all i saw was something about a boyfriend not a husband. are you done with school yet? listen to some one who has been there. wait. if he loves you then get maried have a life then a baby. why have a family with differnt last names. this world is already filled with this. have more respect for the futher little you, you would like to bring into this world. you child will never have to question you on why then. good luck

  4. Well My name is Mirada and I too am 19. I am married and I have been looking for ways to conceive. I agree that you sound ready but remember that once you have a baby there is no going back. For the next 18 years this little life depends on you. With or without a daddy. But I am not here to reflect negative thoughts just to help. So try this stuff it should help.

    Tips to Find out when you are ovulating

    There are several ways you can do this.  One of the easiest ways is to purchase a Basal thermometer and start charting your temperatures.  You can use Justmommies free fertility chart to record and keep track of your temperatures. Make sure you take you use a basal thermometer.



    It is the most accurate for charting ovulation.  Take your temperature as soon as you wake up, before you get out of bed, go to the bathroom or do anything.  Try to take your temperature at the same time every morning if you can.  This way your chart will be more precise.  The best time to have s*x is between the time your temperature drops and before it rises again.

    One other way you can find out when you are ovulating is by using an ovulation predictor test.  You can purchase ovulation tests in bulk online to make it more affordable.  Ovulation kits measure the amount of Lutenizing Hormone in your body.  Right before you ovulate your body releases a large amount of LH.  The test kits are easy to use.  They are very similar to a pregnancy test.  You will have a reference line and then a sample line to compare that to.  Once you show a positive test for ovulation you should have intercourse within twenty-four hours.

    Some of the best ways to predict when you are ovulating are by watching your body for signs of ovulation.  Some women feel cramping on one side when they ovulate.   Ovulation pain should not be the only thing you watch for but it is one indicator of ovulation.  You should also keep an eye on your cervical mucous.  You will notice that your cervical mucous will pick up several days before ovulation.  When your cervical mucous starts to look like egg white and becomes really slippery, this is the best time to get pregnant.  The slippery consistency helps to carry the sperm up the vaginal canal.  Some doctors recommend taking Robitussin to help thin out your mucous which will help to transport the s***n.

    Some dos and don’ts for getting pregnant

    Do limit movement after intercourse.  Standing up after intercourse can cause the s***n to leak out.  Try to wait twenty minutes after s*x before getting up and moving around.

    Do try to keep the sperm inside your v****a longer.  You can hold the labia together to try to keep the sperm inside of you.  You can also try putting a pillow under your pelvis to help tilt your body so the sperm can travel upwards easier.

    Do try to make s*x enjoyable.  Sometimes when a couple is trying to conceive it will affect the quality of their s*x life.  More enjoyable s*x means higher sperm count and better “swimmers”.

    Do limit intercourse and male masturbation prior to the days you are trying to conceive.  It will help to increase the man’s sperm count and improve your chances of getting pregnant.

    Do take prenatal vitamins if you are trying to conceive.  Folic acid and other vitamins are very important during the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Don’t drink alcohol or use drugs at the time of conception.  This applies to both the male and female.  There is strong evidence that alcohol can effect your chances of getting pregnant.

    Don’t douche after having intercourse.  It can wash out the sperm that has just entered your body.  

    Don’t have oral s*x prior to intercourse.  There is some evidence that the bacteria in the mouth can cause damage to male sperm.

    Don’t have anal s*x prior to intercourse.  Bacteria in the anas can be carried into the v****a from the man’s p***s.  If you do have anal s*x before intercourse, make sure your partner washes his p***s first.

    If you have been trying to conceive for over a year please consult a doctor.  You may need to have tests run or use fertility treatments.

    I hope this helps if so let me know.


  5. The first thing you need to ask yourself is, if things go wrong in this relationship is this the guy i want to be connected to for the next 18 years. How does he treat you, do you think he will make a responsible father? Most of all do he love himself enough to love a child. May God be with you, and Baby Dust your way. ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+

  6. You're one of the lucky ones :)

    You've got it all laid out in front of you,

    It's perfect.

    You just need to time it right

    It may be too early or too late for the sperm to reach the egg at the time you guys are...'making love'

    Don't let other people's opinions change your mind,

    You seem like a confident person with your mind set on your goals and i dont think anyone on Yahoo answers should change that

    good luck!

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