
I'm 19 and life's h**l!?

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I finished college when i was 18. i done bricklaying and found it too hard to find an apprentiership, it wasnt what i wanted to do anyway, then i worked for my uncle for a year. and i really want to be some sort of engineer! but i failed an entry assesment at technical engineering school. ive recently sent off for another and it starts in september but i havent heard anything from them, ive called them and they tell me a letter is on it's way but it seems it's geting to late, if i fail the entry test for this one also where will that leave me i will be too old for an apprentiership! I neeeeeed help!




  1. just hang tough think of thoughts! you can do it... **** happens.. there are people who experience worst that what your experiencing!


    keep the fire burning!

  2. u should never give up. As of right now u should start studying all the necessary tools for successfully surpassing the entry exam. Note that if u  did study and end up failing again, start submitting your resume to any job that offers what u specialize in. Go online and ask your family and  friends for feedback. Keep searching. Another option is attend college again. i am pretty sure that since u have a young fascinated mind by finishing college while other just started. u can always start colleges over again and get a degree. Good luck!!!!!

  3. Go back to school, your still young enough to get grants, loans and scholarships! You can never have too much education. It's so difficult  to go back to school once you have obligations of  work, spouse, children and mortgage etc. Even if you go back to school for four more years you won't be too old if you have an engineering degree. It may help if you could spell apprenticeship.

  4. I hope that your letter comes, and you pass.  But if not, it's not the end of the world.

    Have you considered something in the trades, like plumbing?

    Check out which careers are in demand at

    You're not old at all, and there is something out there for you!

  5. If they are telling you that it is on the way, then ask them to fax a copy to you and at least let you know if you're in, or not.  I think that I would have advised you to get into a local junior or community college to get your education  process started.  It may be too late for this semester but you can certainly get ready for the next semester.  Good luck!

  6. I think the best way is to support your daily life small at first. Get a taste of daily living away from mommy and daddy. I don't mean to be crass here, but you have your entire life ahead of you, without parental help. Take it first things first. Get a job, any job that pays enough to let you live on your own. Then as you build up savings, take the next step. Then the next. In teacher ed classes, we learned about the pyramid of life. The bottom layers of basic survival, shelter, food, etc. must be there so the next layer can be supported, right on up to self-actualization (your life's dreams). This answer may sound disjointed, but so can life be disjointed. Read each sentence as it comes. I do wish you well.

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