
I'm 19 i dropped out of high school because my mom had cancer, shes gone now should i go back??

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I'm 19 i dropped out of high school because my mom had cancer, shes gone now should i go back??




  1. If you want to get a good job, then yes, go back :)

  2. First off, I am soo sorry about your mother.  I must commend you on your choice to put your mother first and care for her. Luckily you can go back and your really should.  You can still enroll in high school because I believe the cut off age is 21.  I'm assuming you dropped out either as a sophomore or junior because if I'm not mistaken, it is illegal to drop out before the age of 16. If thats true you will most likely be done before 21.  If not, just get your GED.  Without the diploma, your screwed hun.  The diploma isnt going to get you anywhere either. Your gonna have to get a college degree. Your very young and you have so much time.  Dont look at this as something you dred, its hard work, but can be fun and is well worth it if you want to guarantee your future and make it easier on yourself. Another six years of hard work is worth it if you compare it to a lifetime of hardship without any type of degree.  

  3. for sure!! or if u dont want the whole "high school scene" u could do night school or go to a GED program...these days even places like mcdonalds want u to have a diploma or a ged  

  4. Yes, you should go back... it will give you a better life

  5. Definitely! It's always best to finish your education and you're not too old for it either so you should be just fine. Go back and when you get your diploma, see if you can get a higher education!

  6. If you want to go back to school and better your education then I say you should. As long as you have the ability to do so then go for it. I wish you the best of luck and sorry to hear about your mother.

  7. Yea go back to sorry to hear that :'(

  8. I would go back.

    I'm sure it would have been what

    your mother would have wanted.

    Make her proud. :)

  9. I'm so sad for your loss,

    but yes, you should go back to high school. Most jobs require a high school diploma, if not a college or university degree, so for your future, I would highly recommend completing high school. Plus, I'm sure your mother would be so proud of you if you finished!  

  10. Yes, I strongly suggest you should. Most ppl that dropped out of highschool have regreted it later on. If you have a career you wish to pursue in mind GO FOR IT!

    Many jobs require highschool as a minimum even those you might not think would require it.

    In the end its your decision but I strongly believe you should it is not too late.

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