
I'm 19 years old with a seven month old son by my boyfriend n i want out ? how do i do that ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 19 n hes 46 years ever since we had Jacob our son hes treated me differently now . he comes home from work eats dinner takes a shower n then gos on the computer for hours . then gets offline and goes to bed . he never wants to spend any time with me anymore . I want some attention to sometimes but he doesn't give it out anymore i've taken as much as i can take. how do i end it? I stay because i'm afraid to be alone




  1. if you can support your child - leave. if you can't - where are you going?

    you're responsible for another person now (your son). all you can do is to provide the best care for him and prevent him becoming like his father. can you do that? if yes - i wish you all the love and support.

  2. If he is abusing you in some way, just get out; find a women's shelter, if you need to.  If the only problem is he's not paying you any attention, then you can either say 'I have free room and meals, for me and my son.  I do not want to lose that, so I will put up and shut up'.  

    Or you can start saving money (maybe find a part time job), and then once you can support yourself on your own, leave and find a better life for you and your son

  3. Get a job and start saving money.  Do you have family you and your baby could stay with?  If not you will definetly need to save as much as you can so that you can get into your own place.  

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