
I'm 20 and never had a girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20 now, and I've never had a girlfriend! I'm so lonely... I was wondering, maybe it's because my personality? This is me:


dry sense of humor






I'm afraid the girls don't go for the nice, smart guy anymore. It seems as though the girls only like the obnoxious jerks with a loud mouth.




  1. you need to learn how to be a mix of both types of guy.  The nice guy (which you are) and the real man (the jerk, without the negative comments).

    yeah and ALLLL the girls will tell you they want a niiiice guy and tell you "just wait!  because all the girls want a nice guy"

    That may be true in their mind, but their heart screams bad boy (and you know this) so you need to stimulate that heart because you already own her mind dude! you're a nice guy!

  2. you need to get out there and show yourself or youll wind up a grumpy old man with no grandkids

  3. Your personality is very similar to mine, I'm 16 and only had a few girlfriend's, and well my brother is a complete jerk and loud mouth and is only 14 and he gets so many girls but there never with him very long, and I don't think its fair to us nice guys who actually care but it seems that's all girl's want these days is to have a jerk and loud mouth for a boyfriend.

  4. Aww! I'm lonely too. I am 15 and have only had one boyfriend. I have the same qualities. I am very mature as well and tend to have a sarcastic straight foward sense of humor. I feel the same way that you feel. That epoeple don't go for the nice type. Whenever there is something good that comes into our lives we mess up and go for the bad. I understand exactly how you feel.

    Mine please:;...  

  5. Where do you live? Pack up all your stuff and move to a city! You'll find plenty of people from all over the country. Get out and meet new people. There are millions of girls who would love your personality!  

  6. online dating is the answer for u buddy

  7. Maybe your ugly.

  8. Hey, chin up. I'm 22 and have never had a boyfriend or even been on a date! I realized that my issue was that I'm just too busy to be in a relationship right now. I'm constantly studying, as my dream is to be a doctor... I don't have proof of this, but my thought is that I will (and you) will find someone that is just like you when you least expect it. I hope this helps. :)

  9. not true!! I'm totally looking for someone that fits your description! hang in there, and ask girls out on dates. DONT BE SCARED OF REJECTION!! i know that's asking the impossible, but just do it, trust me!

  10. I'm 22 and you basically described my husband..girls still go for the sweethearts.  You just have to find the right girl.  Good luck and don't change for anybody!  Oh and a real man doesn't have to be a jerk.  Just thought that was some terrible advice.  

  11. Amen dude! I don't get why girls'd rather go with the jerks. Those show offy gaylord jocks. Kurt cobain was bipolar and he seemed to attract females. Do what you gotta do, be who you wanna be, and don't change yourself for the sake of someone's approval. Believe it or not, most girls end up with the nice guys when they marry.

  12. Actually, girls don't go for guys that are obnoxious and loud. Of course we like guys that are intelligent, nice kind and friendly. Who wouldn't. However, it's good to have a  balance between having these qualities and being manly as well. You do have a lot of great qualities about you. Hang in there!

    All this talk about relationships is making me hungry. I can go for some Oreo cookies. Anyone else?

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