
I'm 20 how do I get independent status so I can get federal loans. I fill out my own taxes?

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I've had ins and outs with my parents and I'll be paying for college. I don't want to take out high interest private loans until its my last option. I claim myself on my own taxes, and pay for living affairs. I know a couple people who are 19, 20 who say "independent" on the FAFSA. Can I do that too.




  1. You can become emancipated. Emancipated differ greatly among the states. Consult a lawyer or online law source for state-specific information. Generally when a child is emancipated when he or she lives independently and handles his or her own affairs and a court agrees that he or she is mature enough to handle it. You may beable to do this through your State Welfare Dept. too.

  2. Even though you need their information for the FAFSA, you can still get loans in your own name.

  3. You have to be over 24 or be married, or have a child which you support and the list goes on.  You wont be able to be an independent.  I had to go through the same thing, and I have lived on my own for over 3 years and everything.

  4. The only way you can be considered independent on the fafsa is to meet VERY specific requirements.  You have to be 24 years old or over, married, have kids you support, have a bachelors degree already, be a veteran or be an orphan or ward of the court.  Where you live, who files who on what tax form, or even if your parents do or don't plan to support you have no bearing in the independent status for fafsa.  Here are the exact questions.

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