
I'm 20 yrs old and trying to conceive....?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 20 yrs old and married and my husband is almost 21. I have been off of birth control since we got married which is a little over a year. We have a very active s*x life but nothing has happened. Should I go to the doctor or continue to wait to see what happens? I dont even know what I should ask my doctor what it could be. I have female problems since I started my period at age14 (bleeding 3 wks out of a month) and used to be on high hormone birth control. Could that effect it? Also my doctor have found cysts on my ovaries but never did anything about it. I havent been to the doctor for a long time because nothing ever gets done or they give me something that makes it worse. Oh also, the many birth controls that the doctor put me on never made me stop and actually made it worse (also why I stopped taking it) If anyone has had these symptoms, any advice is great! I hope im not infertile




  1. I would go see a doctor, just because you have had female problems in the past and may have them now.. I would just go in and tell them you are ttc and havent used anything for a year now and seem to think something might be up, best of luck!

  2. i really think you should see your doctor, they would help alot more than we could. also, i cant talk, but i can give some insight, your really young, and even though i do not know you...i think you should wait a couple years to have a baby they change your whole life. i hope you have seriously thought about this decision and know that its a 24/7 job. and i hope you are 100 percent ready if you have any doubt, you should wait.

  3. I don't think the poster is looking for advice on her age.

    I think with your history you need to visit a doctor. And, a doctor that is going to help you. There are some tests that can be done to evaluate if you have a problem.

    In the mean time, have you tried BBT charting and using an OPK - you should do that for 3 months. If you have an ovulatory BBT and are not getting pregnant, it's likely you are not infertile. If you have an anovulatory BBT you should bring your charts to your doctor. An OPK is good to use in conjunction with an OPK.

    Also, a very small percentage of women are actually allergic to s***n. It sounds strange but it is true.


  5. trust me dear, 20 is too young to have kids. I am 26 with a 5 year old and a 1 year old and although i love my little girls to death there have been many times i wished i waited. You should enjoy your younger years while you can. Its d**n near impossible to have fun and wild and enjoy being 20 or 21 or 25 and still be a good parent. Its much harder to have financial stability. You are mush more likely to have marital problems since you married young. Just chill on the kids thing for a few years. Have fun. travel, smoke weed, sleep all day. quit some jobs. go see 2 movies in one day. go to college and get a degree. Have kids later. Take it from someone that knows.

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