
I'm 22 and just now realizing how shallow people are! I never realized how much people base on looks!?

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I'm 22 and I'm just now seeing how shallow the human race is!

I guess I just always thought people thought like me and didn't place so much emphasis on what a person looks like as appose to their character!

I mean I expect people to be clean and groom themselves and such, but I'm just now seeing how people judge others based on their weight, looks, clothes, ect!!

I think it's terrible but it's starting to make me realize how important it is to look good in this day in age!

I think I must be really naive!

What do you all think??




  1. Who are you referring to?  Stop hanging out with them, I can assure you, there are many people who are not shallow in the world.  You are still young.  You will see.

  2. A tad slow aren't you.Why do you think there are billions spent on cosmetic surgery every year?

  3. You are generalizing about a entire might want to be more specific.

  4. welcomee to the real world!

  5. just realizing this now?! ive realized for a long time, and as much as Id like to not care what other ppl think I always find im trying to look good.. and i hate it.. its made our world crazy!  

  6. yeap looks are now very important :]

    looks and how rich you are are the best first impression.

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