
I'm 22 and need help planning my future!!!?

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I feel like I am going around in circles. I suffer from depression but I can cope with that. My problem is that I dont know where I am heading with my life. I own a small business but its not earning money so I get money from the government to help. I struggle day to day. My boyfriend has to help as he has a well payed job. I want to sell the business next year but I dont know if people will buy it. I want to get another job but cant fit it with my business. I dont want to live where I am currently, but anywhere else is too expensive, it seems like people around here have turned againsed me. Is there a website or something that can help sort out your future or career, or tell you who you can turn to? I want a job, im a good worker and Im stuck with this business, next year seems so far. I have had sooo many problems since I moved down here you would not want to know. Everything went bad since I moved here. What do I do???




  1. I am ur exact same age and i have your exact same problem.

    Ive been spiraling down since april of this year. im unemployed have a business thats going absolutely nowhere but down, and i hate where i live but cant leave cuz everything is way too expensive. but at least you have someone helping you. I dont. Im on the verge of declaring  bankruptcy and losing my car. All i can say is good luck and hope everything turns out ok for you. You will be ok dont worry.  

  2. Clear your mind. Take a long hot bath and meditate. Visualize where you want to be. What makes you happy? What type of life do you want for yourself. Try consulting close family members or friends. Look into going back to school for something that interests you and you will enjoy. If your boyfriend has a good job... go back to school.  

  3. Ask your self these questions:

    What do i like to day, and am good at doing.

    What jobs/careers relate to my interest, and likes. (like I'm good with animals+ animal care person)

    Never let any one drive your life, its yours. Always block out the negative, and think positive. It may sound stupid, but trust me it works.

    I'm also 22, and struggled with what to do.. No collage around here means factory work, and/or a job that pays nothing. So i set back, and thought what am i good at. Then i thought about all the volunteer work i did. Ding i like helping people, and putting a smile on kids faces. So the fire service as a career was it. I had been a volunteer firefighter, but never thought of doing it as a job, and it was right under my noise.

    So its what you wont, and if you really really wont it.. Fight for it, and don't let any one tell you its not possible. If you fail its only your fault, learn from it, and never quit.

    I can't say much about your business problem, as i have no clue what kind it is. I suggest looking into the market in your area, and see how you business could fit into it(if it does at all). Also way to expand your business into the local market to befit the population there, and bring the a steady cash flow.

    Those or some links i personally recommend to high school students.I wish you the best.

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