
I'm 23. I need a jump-start in life!!! HELP!?

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Ok. I made a few mistakes my earlier college years. I was careless about it but am serious now. I am 23 and have only 2 years of college left until I can graduate. Here's the situation...

A year ago I got a great job at Costco which I'm thankful for because you can move up and make good money in the company. I'm at $12/hr which is good and the payscale goes up to $21/hr by the time I hit my 3.5 year mark.

I live with my widowed mom who is completely self-sufficient. She is active and healthy. I just do not make enough to live in an apartment at the moment because of car payments and such.

My question is... I feel like a s***w-up who's stuck at home still. I have ambitions and I am enrolling in Spring to start finishing my last two years of school. I just am so ready to move out and be self-sufficient like my other friends. Should I jump the gun and hurry to get an apartment or look at the long-term aspect and see that if I keep myself focused on my education I can wait another two years before I move out?

I'm just needing something in life to make me happy right now. I don't want it to look like I'm "depending on mommy" because I'm not. Besides living here I buy everything I own. Thank you guys.




  1. omg please email me!

    i work at costco! and i know exactly how you feel... i have been trying to find someone to talk to about all this c**p that is going on... i started at 11/hr >.< i do live on my own but i have no extra money for college or anything. all of my money i make goes to bills, :( im sorry you havent moved out, but once you finish college im sure you can make it =)

    my name is samantha by the way =)

  2. Don't worry about it looking like you're depending on Mom. Stick it out until you graduate, why burden yourself financially now? After you graduate you can move out.

  3. Finish the school despite what you may feel people are thinking about you. Once you finish the school, your opportunities are all before you.

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