
I'm 23wks pregnant and my son is breech.....?

by  |  earlier

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Should I be worried?? I've never heard about a baby being breech being a good thing. He can still turn right?




  1. i was breech until 29 weeks. i wouldn't start worrying about it until around 33 weeks or so. then i was planning on doing all of the "home" remedies for it. if you are worried look up the different ways to turn a baby and maybe it'll lessen your fears a little bit. good luck!

    and remember that only 4% of babies end up not turning.

  2. Oh yeah. When they're little like that they flip back and forth. They can still flip around at 40 weeks! Don't worry. Goood luck!

  3. He has plenty of time to turn.

  4. he has TONS of time to turn. dont worry, he'll probably flip quite a few times still

  5. He has lots of time to turn, if he doesn't your Dr can turn him. I had to do that. Don't worry.

  6. Your baby still has plenty of room to do somersaults.  No worries.  There's no telling how many times the baby will turn before birth.

  7. It is still very early, babies are moving around a lot still at this stage. Nothing to worry about until you are getting much closer to your due date.

  8. If your baby was head-down at this point it's no guarantee he'll stay that way!  There's so much room in there for him to do flips and somersaults.  In a few more months he'll likely settle into a head-down position.  For now, no worries!

  9. You have LOTS Of time for him to turn. I did turning exercises (check out my other answers) with 2 of my daughters. It was all fine and they did turn. Good Luck! If still breech by 37 weeks, try the exercises.

  10. Yes plenty of time, most babies lie breech at first. Can you feel the kicks down below?! Lol, so can i!!

    22 weeks


  11. My baby was breech at 23wks too. I think only 3% stay breech till birth

  12. Like everyone else has said... I think he has lots of time... However, asking a question of that nature on here, I would not (if I were you) trust whatever answers you get. Especially when it comes to that of the safety and well being of your unborn baby boy. Your BEST option when you have ANY concerns with regards to your pregnancy, is to go straight to your doctor or mid - wife. He or She is fully qualified in these medical areas, you will feel rest assured when they explain to you exactly what breech is and what exactly happens.

    Also, just some personal experience, my sister has had 3 chldren in breech position, everyone is happy and healthy.

  13. Yes, he has tons of time to turn.  I am 24 weeks and my baby is breeched too.  It is not a concern until near the end.

  14. You have PLENTY of time for him to turn!! He has room enough to do gymnastics at this point so I'm sure he feels like a little tumbler. It becomes more of a problem in the last month or so before labor because it would make a vaginal birth dangerous.

  15. he isn't breech he is just right side up right now

  16. He has loads of time to turn. Babies can still turn at 36 weeks. You can start sitting on a birthing ball to get him in to a good position if your worried.

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