
I'm 24 and I love my partner. Am I too young to be getting married and wanting his children yesterday?!?

by Guest61160  |  earlier

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My parents had me at 23. I turned out well. I'm so broody its stupid. I wish I was pregnant but there is at least a year to go before I can even get married, let alone afford a baby!




  1. Go ahead and get married.

    But if you cannot afford it, hold on for starting that family.

    I will even conduct the wedding!!

  2. My cousins seemed to have all gotten married at 21.  My sister got married at 22.  A friend of mine got married at 23.  Another had a baby at 21 and will get married at 22.  Getting married doesn't depend on your age.  It depends on your maturity level and love.  If you love him and know you want to spend the rest of your life with him then no you aren't too young to get married.  Enjoy being married for about 2 years before you have kids.  Spend time getting to know your husband better.  Or do as my friend and have a baby right away.  Although, waiting till you can afford one is a great idea.

  3. Actually you seem to be at an excellent age for what you long for.  

  4. no not at all, i'm 26 with 3 kids (7, 3 and 5 weeks) and i got married at 24

  5. I don't think you're too young. I was 20 when I married my husband and 21 when I had our son.  Though it's all on how prepared you are.  Hold onto those feelings! It's all worth it.  Good Luck xx

  6. nah not at all...i'm getting married next summer, i'll be 22...and i'm broody too lol

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