
I'm 24 w/ a college degree & feel like I don't know how to do anything. I don't have any skills. What do I do?

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It's not easy to find a job. & my Tourette's scares employers away.




  1. Follow the rest of the sheepskinites into the service industry.

  2. Similar to the previous answer...take stock of your situation. What did you accomplish in college? I'm guessing you wrote a couple of papers, yes?

    Start a list called "Resume Points"

    put down the following:

    conduct research

    compile information

    On a scale of 1-3, how would you rate your ability with Microsoft Office software? If you've got a basic understanding, can use Word and Excel without any real problems, give yourself a 2. If you've only ever written papers and never used Power Point, you're at a 1. If you're at 1, practice, practice, practice!!

    Regarding Tourette's Syndrome, there are employment opportunities for everyone. Local assistance agencies should be able to help you. I'd check with your doctor's office, local community clinic or hospital for career assistance resources. Or look around the 'net.

  3. Go out and find a JOB and get some skills!  You already have the degree... put it to use to get some real experience in whatever you majored in.   Good Luck!

  4. Many people in your position chose military service ,either regular or reserve. The exposure to a wider world of travel ,people and experiences is a good way to decide on your path,and also matures you . There is a lot more to military life than drilling and shooting.  

  5. everyone else is right. Get a job. Any college degree will be a plus on your resume. The more education you have the more weight given to your application. No matter where, this is always true. Experience does count but if you have both you are on the top of the hire list. Good Luck.  

  6. find a job in retail you learn a lot and real fast.  I'm sure you're smart you have a degree, now it's time to work on building your skills.  

  7. Take a look at this website.. It is an incredible opportunity that could really help. Best of luck

  8. There must be something you know how to do.. You can drive, am I right? You can breath, am I right? Uh-duh.. So you must know how to do something and what did you major in, in college?

    I'm going to major in Creative Writing when I go to college, in about 5 years.. :)

  9. I don't understand how you could have a college degree with no skills.  What did you major in?  Can you carry on an intelligent conversation?  Obviously you are computer literate, do you know excel and microsoft word?  You sound like you have no self esteem, I would bet you have a lot more skills than you are giving yourself credit for.  Quit the pitty party and take a self inventory.

  10. Please give more detail...

    What did you go to school for, and if you have a degree, how don't you have any skills?

    You have a degree, that's a start, you can at least get a job with that, but other than that, I really don't understand what you think you're missing.

  11. I suggest you contact your state's Department of Rehabilitation. You don't need a referral.

    Because you have a qualifying condition, they will assess your skills, then assign a job coach and a job developer. The job developer will have a number of sympathetic employers who will consider you for employment, so you will eventually find work.

  12. The work world is drastically different than that of the college experience.  You'll be surprised how many skills you actually have.  Your work ethic and ability to get things done is more critical than whether you feel like you know anything at this point.

  13. I was in that situation.  College is useless c**p.  Get a trade skill because a degree in history or english isnt going to do anything for you.

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