
I'm 25 and i want a baby, my awaiting hubby's 25 but how do i tell him i want his baby?? please help :(((

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how can i tell him that i want his baby?




  1. have a baby with him w/o his consent

  2. It is not just about wanting a baby, it is also about being ready emotionally and financially. Having a baby changes everything and aside from the joy it can be very stressfull and emotional especially if your partner is not 100% involved. The night feedings and not being able to do things you did before like sleep saturday morning while your partner is can be very frustating and taken out on the baby who has no fault.

    In other words you both have to be ready, you both have to agree this is a two people's job and both of you have to be as involved as possible.

  3. I just told my fiance, hey, i would love to have children with you. Just tell him. There's nothing better than the truth :) Good luck!

  4. If the communication between the two of you is lacking enough that you don't know how to have this conversation then it's probably not the right time to have a baby yet.

  5. Just talk to him, ask him what he thinks about having children, when, how many, etc. Let him know that you are ready. i just went through this with my husband and now we're trying!

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