
I'm 25 and wondering is my situation a problem relationship i shouldn't be in...what do you think?

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I'm 25 and my boyfriend for 8 years makes a part of his daily routine every morning before work and every-night before we go to sleep internet p**n is his first priority. One morning we ran an hour and 36 mins late to work and that was the amount of time i spent sitting in the bedroom while he was in the living room on the computer. When we do have s*x i feel emotionally unattracted to him and makes s*x bad for me and him. I don't want to leave but i feel like he has compulsiveve obsessive p**n disorder but is it normal for his age? I'm just trying to find out is it me or is this an issue?




  1. Leave the guy, he is addicted to p**n. Most men enjoy p**n but with him it is an obsession and it will only get worse in time. Leave him now and save yourself a lot of stress.

  2. it's not normal.  my bf is 26 and he does not have a p**n addiction.  we have s*x and we both enjoy it and have it often.  i would leave your bf if i were in your shoes.  u deserve to have great s*x.  everybody does

  3. when it gets to the point that its interfering with his and your life then yes, its an issue. i would have a serious talk with him about this and just lay everything out on the table. do you not want to leave because you are in love with him? or is it that you've been together for 8 years and are afraid to leave your comfort zone? if hes unable or unwilling to get help with this or at least make an effort then you need to seriously think about how happy you will be in this relationship...

  4. I don't know how you tolerate that. just leave him!

  5.     There is no such thing as obsessive compulsive pornography disorder.  And the guy is 90 minutes late for work because he is watching pornography and you want to know if this is an issue?  D-u-h-h-h-h-h!   My question is why were you 90 minutes late?  You can always leave without him.  If the s*x is bad, you don't find him attractive, and he is hooked on pornography, why are you even asking if this is an issue?  The pornography s not the issue.  The fact that you can't make up your mind about leaving a man you are not attracted to is the issue.  You aren't happy.  Neither is he.  So end it now.  Move on.  There is way too  much drama in this household.

  6. Seem to me that you have 2 choices in this matter.  Either you embrace what he does or you don't.  Now if you embrace this enjoy this with him and encorge him to do other things about p**n that might bring you together and not just him at the computer.  On the other hand if you don't want anything to do with this tell him before thing get so worse and he is so deep in p**n on the computer and he gets himself in trouble, thats when the real problems begin.  Who knows he could already be at this point of no return and you may just want to get out before he takes you down with him.  Good way to find out is to be interested and ask questions and let him show you what he is doing then when all if found out you make the choice if this is worth the trouble.  Hope this helps

  7. I dont know how normal this is for a guy his age but maybe you should have a serious talk with him about this and tell him how this makes you feel.

    Communication is the key and very important in a relationship

  8. Please leave this relationship. It is no good for you. p**n is more important to him. You deserve better, but i have to ask.....have you told him how you feel???

    Good luck

  9. his p**n addiction is not normal, and should not be tolerated at any age!!!  if he wants to every once in a while, once in a blue moon, glance at it for a few minutes, then ok.. we all have needs... but this is to the extreme!!!  if you have ever taken a psychology class you may remember this... the first question that the doctor asks is if the behavior interferes in ANY WAY with normal life functions.. and if it does, it is considered an abnormal disorder... being late for work is definitely an interference, straining his relationship with you because of it is also an interference..  i would talk to him seriously about going to see a therapist with you if you really do love him and feel strongly about not wanting to leave him... otherwise if you have already written the relationship off or feel you may not be able to work through this than i say move on asap!  go start you life over while you are young!!  whatever you do be strong and dont look back.  maybe before you talk to him you should do some research on it as well, and have a therapists name and number ready, this will show him you mean business and that you are not talking out of your your know what...   good luck honey.. now go do something about it.   :)

  10. you should be confortable with this guy if you are not then talk to him and he doesn't stop knowing that you feel unconfortable than just leave him

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