
I'm 26 weeks pregnant. Went to the Dr. & they my blood pressure was 132 over 68. Is this OK?? ?

by Guest63746  |  earlier

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My doctor didn't seem to concerned about it...she felt it was ok, but I find that to be kind of high =/

Does this mean I might have the beginning of Preeclampsia?




  1. the doctor knows best but if u are concerned then ask if there is anything you do to lowwer it and remember not to stress it just raises even more if you do

  2. thats actually low blood pressure i am pretty sure premclampsia causes bp to increase. You doc would know for sure  

  3. I don't think your blood pressure is too high, depends on your age too. If you doctor is not worried - then you shouldn't be worried either. Try and enjoy your pregnancy and don't stress about possibilities - unless they eventuate.

  4. It's not considered high unless it is 140/90 or more, so you're good!! I'm sure if the dr. had any concerns with it, he would have let you know. Congrats!

  5. It shouldn't be a problem, Im sure the Dr would have said something.  My BP is usually 124/60.  Have you had alot of swelling in your feet, ankles, hands, and/or face? Has your urine had protien in it at the Drs? Have you been gaining weight rapidly (6lbs or more in a week)? These are all signs of pre-e!

  6. I work in a hospital and my job is to monitor pts blood pressures and heart rates. Myself, being 22 weeks now, had went in the other day with a pressure of 140/80. An average range of "safe numbers are 120-150 on top and 60-90 on the bottom. Your doc probably wasn't concerned because its a healthy pressure. I would say you are fine and if you were at risk they wouldn't be playing around, they would def be on the ball! Good Luck...Hope this helped!

  7. cute belly btw but if the doc thinks its fine  it really is remember heknows best

  8. If the doctor isn't concerned you will be fine

  9. you blood pressure is fine normal BP is 120-80. If it was something to be worried about about she would tell you.

    Good luck with the baby.

  10. I'm 33 weeks and my last few readings have all been around the 130/80 mark this is fine, if it get's up to around 140/90 then you may have a problem but even then not necessarily. I know how scary it can be, I still look at all the numbers on my pregnancy card and think wow that does seem a bit high but I can assure you it's not. Try not to stress.

  11. I was indused because I had blood pressure at 41weeks and i dont remember what the top number was (160ish maybe) but the bottom number was 98 at its highest. I think anything over 90 they worry about.

  12. lol No that is good blood pressure, at my last appt. mine was 152/60, that is high!  It turned out the dumb nurse took it wrong because when my doctor retook it, it was 128/60 which she said is great.

  13. High blood pressure in pregnancy doesn't always equal preeclampsia. Without protein in the urine then it's just considered pregnancy induced hypertension.

    That said, that blood pressure isn't particularly high and I think you should trust your doctor's judgement.

  14. hi

  15. its not that bad to me but 132 its a bit high u should be carefull but not too much worried about it.its just fine.

  16. No that is fine. Most of the time we are a bit excited to see the doc/midwife and ask questions and hear the baby so the blood pressure can creep up a bit. They will continue to check on that and will surely let you know if it does get serious. I mean aren't doctors known for sometimes going overboard? ;)

    Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy!  

  17. 140 over 90 is considered borderline high. Your blood pressure is excellent. It is possible your pulse may have been a bit higher for your top number to also be higher than your norm, if that's what you're worried about. However both numbers are in a nice range. I only wish my bp was that low! The 68 is super excellent!  

  18. My blood pressure was 143\92 and they called that borderline. The bottom number is most important, and 68 is great.

    Dont worry about it until you get headaches constantly, major swelling and blurred vision. That all happened to me and now I am being induced. So just keep an eye on it and relax, doing too much can cause problems! Good luck

  19. Cute cute cute pix!  You are doing the right thing by asking, information is power. First, one blood pressure reading is just that, one reading at one point in time.   And, if it you do develop Preeclampsia there are many many things that can be done to ensure a healthy mom and baby.  I'm not a dr. so consider this sister - to - sister advice.

    I had Preeclampsia with my second daughter - my blood pressure wasn't super high early on but my Dr. was concerned, I don't remember the exact numbers.  She said she was concerned because you normally see a slight dip in blood pressure as the placenta is creating a whole new network of veins and arteries.  The pressure goes back up when the mom's blood volume rises to meet the needs of the baby .  

    FYI - The pressure goes down at first b/c there are more highways (veins and arteries) so the blood is more dispersed than before - imagine a water balloon - it takes more pressure to squeeze it when it is full but if the balloon were to get bigger but keep the same amount of water you would need less pressure to squeeze it.

    With that said - go to like Walgreens and get an automatic home blood pressure monitor.  Check your blood pressure once a day or like once in the morning, once at night, jot it down and if you see numbers rising talk more with your Dr.

    If you do have higher pressures drink a little more water and rest on your left side, your heart is in the most relaxed position so it works the least hard. :  ( ha ha pretty bad grammar there.

    My personal blog (where I ramble about whatever) is - I have contact info there if you want to connect further.

    BTW - baby #2 is perfect, beautiful and goofy - Don't let a little scare rob you of your joy - just me little scares and kids go hand in hand, embrace the chaos

  20. That is a tad high. But again nothing to worry about unless your doctor says so.  I bet if he had checked your bp again 10 minutes later it probably would have been different.

    If he was worried he would have checked again.

    Good luck

    I am 26 weeks too!

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