
I'm 27, periods are always irregular, 1 serious miscarriage. how do i ensure pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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born with spina bifida. not in a wheelchair. first pregnancy was a womb & no baby. second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage that nearly cost my life. 6 years between pregnancies.




  1. talk to your Doctor and explain to them that you would like to try again. they may want you to consult a specialist before you try to conceive

  2. I know a woman with spina bifida and the doctors told her she'd never get pregnant, but she went on to have 2 healthy babies.  You may need clomid to make you ovulate and then close follow up care to make sure that your hormone levels and your uterus is able to sustain the pregnancy.  Talk to your doctor about your options.  Good luck and baby dust****

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