
I'm 27 and have been running for only a few weeks. I run 5K in 27 mins and that includes 3 hills. Is this ok?

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I'm planning on running a 5K race in July (today is May 5) and I really love running. It's all new to me but I look forward to running after work. I'm hoping to run a 10K run sometime in my life. Any advice and tips won't go to waste.





  1. If you are having any trouble with speed just try to lengthen your stried but if it is distance make sure you are controling your breathing.

  2. Hills are the best for getting you into shape, the steeper, the better. I would suggest lengenthing your run maybe to a full 4 or 5 miles, to get your speed up- that way the 5k will feel like a breeze. Good luck to you.

  3. based on your question.

    i would recomend getting a good running book.

    you would be surprised on all the info you may not know about that would be very helpfull

    i.e.  tempo runs, long runs, biomechanics (do you know if you should be running in a neutral or stability shoe?), intervals, fartleks, race strategy, rules of increasing milage, physiological changes made in the body to increase running ability, signs of injury and overtraining, ect...

    sound like items that might interest you?

    the few paragraphs that we are alloted here cant begin to explain it all. and there is the issue of missinformation.

    i suggest bob glovers The Competitive Runners Handbook.

    or authors like jack daniels or pete pfitzenger

    but to answer your question anyways. if you run a normal training 5k at 27min. either you are naturally gifted or (like many new runners) you are running too fast on your training runs and may burn yourself out and become injured before you get to the race day.  it is easy to run hard for the first few weeks and think you are doing good... then POW here comes an injury.

    take it slow and easy and gradually increase milage and speed is the best way to run for life!

    my advice. do a time trial 5k. go at about 90% effort.

    use this time to base future training pace.

    go to

    input your 5k time trial and use the data to plan your recovery pace, tempo pace, regular pace, ect...

    good luck... and oh ya. if you want to really get strong, once you get a good base going. throw in some barefoot running in some soft grass once a week. it will strengthen your feet and ankles. this will give you better efficiency and keep you running longer!

  4. you'll be fine. the 5K will be easy for you if you run all the time with hills. i would sign up for the 5K first just to see how you handle it and how you actually like it and then sign up for the 10k. i just ran a 10k yesterday and i loved it.

    good luck to you. i know you'll be fine. crossing the finish line is the best feeling ever.

  5. That's not too bad for just starting!

    I would go to  They have some good workout schedules to help build a base.  Sign up for that 10k race.  There are lots of them around (look at for some in your area).  That will give you a goal to work for.  Set a realistic time as your goal and try to meet it.  The first race you run is an experience you'll remember.  Plus, you'll be energized for future races.

    Also, keep up with some diversity in your workouts.  Change your routes.  Go somewhere for a run on the weekend.  I would do running on Saturday through different neighborhoods in my city.  When I go traveling, I do a morning run and see the sights as a great way to energize my day.  Even if it is just going down a different street, you'll be amazed at how much a simple change can make to your run.

    Finally, and most importantly, keep a running log.  That will allow you to see that you're improving.  Keep track of how far you went, the time it took, how you felt, what the weather was like, and observations like that.  I keep track of mine using google documents so I don't have to worry about losing my log book or packing it when i travel.  Great way to keep a running total of your running for the year.

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