
I'm 28 yrs old and VERY intimidated at taking a ballet class!! Should I still do it? ?

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I've always wanted to learn ballet and now that my life has settled down and I finally have some time on my hands, I would love to take a lesson....but I feel like I'm too old for this!! Any advice?!! Thanks.




  1. yes

  2. you are definitely never old!

    when i was 14 i felt like i was too old for ballet, but i took a class

    and realized that 14 was a crazy age to be thinking that i was too old.

    I know a 65 year old woman who dances ballet, and she is wonderful. she started when she was 30, and now she teaches! she even does pointe work.

    look for an adult  beginner class in your area, and try it out.  if you aren't sure after your first lesson, GO BACK! chances are, the second class will be easier, and you will remember more than you think!

    After you get the hang of it, you will love ballet!

  3. oh my god , girl your neevr too old ! live your life  while you still acn , your still young , dont waste it away because your afraid of what others might think , go out there and learn and have fun !

  4. of course you should!

    there are adult classes in just about every dance studio so it's not embarrassing to be unexperienced because there are other people in the same situation as you! If it's something you want to do, do it now before it's too late.  You never know how much fun you'll have until you try! My friend's mom is 48 and taking ballet lessons--she loves it!

  5. Just do it.

    When your 38 you'll really regret not doing it.

    All you can do is try it. At least that way if you fail (which you wont) you can still say you tried.

    Good for you.

  6. Well, I know how you feel about being too old.  But you are never too old to dance, or learn how.  I should know because in my dance class I feel really old because there are like really small people in my dance class, but you should go for it.  Take an adult class (though most of them will be at night I think after 9 at my dance studio) and have fun.

  7. You're never too old; no matter how old you are.  Have fun.  Life is too short and never worry about what others think.

  8. Your never too old to do something that you love to do. I say go for it! Don't feel intimidated, go there with your head held high and enjoy yourself. Good luck

  9. no you can take ballet at any age they have classes from 2-55+

    you will be in a class with ppl youre age

    you shoud really take it

    i hope u do


  10. dont feel intimidated!!im 21 and i am starting beginner ballet next week and i cant wait!!!i always felt i was too old and by leaving it i thought it was too late!!!but no its not!!so have fun!!!

  11. I know that feeling too. You see all the little kids doing all these Cirque De Soliel tricks and you would just hate to be standing next to them. There are probably begginners classes mainly for your age group. If you really want to just do it. You'll regret it if you dont anyway.

  12. Go for it!!! its always good to try new things.

  13. definitely...I am 32 and thinking of taking up a martial art.  I would just say that you should not expect to become a world class ballerina.  take it so you can cross it off your list of things "i wish I did"

  14. Absolutely, you need to freakin' go for it sister

  15. It's possible that you are too old to take it seriously, but don't let that stop you. I'm sure some schools may have classes for beginner adults. Look it up and see. I don't know where you live but here's just an example.

  16. You're never too old, and now that you've settled down you might as well give it a try!

    "You'll never know, unless you go!"


  17. Yes! Yes, you should.

    It's great exercise, and very fun and relaxing.

    Answer Mine?;...

  18. what

  19. nahhh...have so fun!! everyone deserves it and take a class with ppl your age....or get private classes. U will love it! Its fun and great excersise....UR NVR 2 OLD @ DANCE!!!!

  20. Of coarse... I take ballet, I'm 21 and I still take it I love it!  You will love it, and it's a great way to stay in shape

  21. im much younger than you, but this year i am beginning ballet and i was also very intimidated by it because i have no experience. Go online to and look at some ballet videos it helps. also if you are going to take a class, take an intimate one because then the people there won't be too perfessional so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Sooner or later, you can promote yourself to a more professional level of dance.

  22. of course no body to old to do anything if its your dream to do it do it go ahead you are the pilot of your own life but if you don't like it or your friends don't want you do do it number 1 if your friends make fun of you for doing that don't be friends with them and if you hate it don't do it any more

  23. you can never be too old for ballet (:

    i used to take classes as a child and i loved it!


  24. You should do whatever you like doing. You are never to old or to young to do what makes you happy.  I say go for it! :)

  25. Do it, ballet is easy for older people.  

  26. You can't be too old! Go ahead.

  27. i say if you love ballet then go ahead and do don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love(:

  28. you could try going to a class for people your age. I'd say that stepping outside of your comfort zone is always a good thing and you'll realize how much you love it if you just get past the first class.

  29. I'm 26, married, professional taking a hip hop class. Who cares? As long as it interests you and makes you happy. Worse comes to worse, if you don't like it, leave it.

  30. go for it

  31. ok if you have talent then do what youuu have to do

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