
I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and since last week ive been feeling something weird,?

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It feels like a kick down the bottom of my belly but so quick that it feels like a heart beat, ive been told its only the baby having hiccups,

but its happening all the time, the doctor said its from the baby swallowing the fluid that is around it.

Is there a way of preventing my baby from doing this or is there no way of helping it?




  1. Just currious, why would you want to stop it? There is nothing I know of.

  2. There is no way of preventing hiccups or baby movements at all.  My baby gets the hiccups sometimes and my whole belly moves.  

  3. if it is hiccups then its quite normal my son had them very often and continued to get them regular when he was born theres no way of stopping this as its caused by the baby drinking the fluid its nothing to worry about.

  4. Yeah it's the dreaded hiccups... You'll hate it now but someday you'll think. I wish I could feel that again I know it's annoying but enjoy it while you can.  My first did that all the time.  He's almost three now and time goes by way too fast.  There's nothing you can do to prevent it but enjoy it while you can.

  5. Lol, this happens to me too. I'm 36 weeks and baby has been having hiccups for at least 20 mins a time, 2-3 times a day.

    Nothing you can do, it's totally normal and actually helps the baby's muscles. Baby is getting used to swallowing technique etc.

    Don't worry, I'm glad of it because my baby keeps turning and from her hiccups, I can tell when she's head up or head down.

  6. Ah, like everyone else says it's most likely your baby has the hickups. I know it can be a little irritating but the baby isn't in pain. You don't have too long to go now, please sit back and enjoy every movement that baby makes cos in 10 weeks you will feel so empty you will miss that feeling of another life inside you.

  7. Hiccups do happen from the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. The baby practices breathing, and it's respiratory system is still underdeveloped, so it gets spasms of it's diaphragm.

    You can't do anything to prevent it. Both my first and this one got the hiccups all the time. It's a good thing. It means your baby is preparing for birth.

  8. My son had the hiccups in utero ALL the time!  And he still has them now that he's here!  Occasionally I would wish he would just STOP but then I thought I should just think of it as a blessing to know he's still alive in there!  He was so active that whenever he was quiet for an hour or two I got worried.  So, in the end, I enjoyed when he had the hiccups!  There isn't really anything you can do so I guess just try to enjoy it!

  9. By the sound of it its exctly what i have and ive always put it down to the baby having hiccups. There is nothing you can do x*x

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