
I'm 31 years old and feel like 18. I think I need help.?

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I hate everything in my life. I'm depressed and lazy and don't want to do anything. I have a Masters Degree in Computer Science but hate working and hate that entire industry. 5 years ago i moved to Las Vegas to play professional poker. It's very very hard. Got broke few times, borrowed money and got back on my feet, but it keeps going back and forth. The wife left, so I'm by myself. I don't mind being myself because I don't want to do anything. Haven't had a job in 5 years and i like that lots because i don't want to work. But I hate life and money problems and not sure what i want to do in life. I mean I literally don't like doing anything besides maybe working out and playing cards. I'm just lost. I'm thinking of committing a crime so I can spend the rest of my life in prison so I can sleep all day and do nothing...

I can never see professional help which i think i need because I have no money besides few hundreds to survive for few weeks.

Not sure what to do... any suggestions?




  1. You need to seek professional help! Sounds like you're in a rut and need a change. You do not want to commit a crime and go to prison because then us tax payers will have to support you!

  2. Seek professional help, to get to the 'real' cause of your problems.

    My first suggestion would be to get out of Las Vegas, gambling is one of the major vices that ruins peoples lives besides alcohol and drugs.  I think you need to grow up as well, committing a crime to end up in prison I have never heard something so ridiculous.

    Just get out of bed, grab the phone book, look up a number for some professional help and - Act now!

  3. i have no answers, but i can say that you are in a sad stiuation, and i will pray for you.

  4. You sound clinically depressed. I have been there and know how you feel. Start reading. 'The Power Of Now" by Ekhardt Tolle helped me tremendously. You have a purpose on this planet and you need to discover what it is by paying attention to the NOW.Very simple but oh so profound.Good luck!

  5. you should maybe start doing yoga

  6. OMG!!! If you think going to jail is a vacation then you do need help.  Inmates are forced to work, you don't pick your job, you don't get paid, and you have no say in anything you do or eat or anything. Sounds like you are depressed, and there is a herbal supplement called St. John's Wort (do not be put off by the name) that you can get at any health food store for around $20 or so. It is supposed to be a great anti-depressant, but it does take about a month to start working. Give it a try, it cant hurt.

  7. I'm not sure if you're in any state of mind to follow this advise, but you need to find a steady job. Easy work makes people lazy and depressed, and the way you're leaning, it will only get worse.

  8. wow. you are just suffering from depression which is someting you really need to take care of or it will get even worse.  

  9. no insult intended , but i think you should write/email Dr. Phil.


    yours would make a good story, and you wouldn't have to pay for a diagnosis and to get some help.

  10. Prison is more boring then the outside you are going through mid life crises you should get a job that is more exciting to you

    once your  back on your feet , save your money play poker or  other hobby's  you love, live your  life how you want ,buy a motorcycle  lo.

  11. Honestly, I got in a situation where I had a major surgery, and a number of complications and lost my job and got depressed, all over a period of three months or so. And I was depressed as h**l, I was out of work for about seven months, and you can get lazy very easily. I mean, it wasn't an emergency that I had to get a job, because I was going to college and my parents were helping me financially, they knew I couldn't find anything. Eventually you just get frustrated and slow down the job search. It was when I overheard my parents talking, trying to figure out what they should do to pay my insurance bill, that that really kicked me in the *** and made me look for work. I found something the next month that really worked well for a while. It did made me happy to just do something every day and get a paycheck every week, save a little, spend a little on yourself. I think I've pretty much gotten as far as I'm going to get with this job, and looking for something else. But if you recommit yourself to a job search, you're going to feel at least a little better and less lazy. At the very least, it gets your mind off your problems for a few hours every day, because you're occupied. Recently my depression has been creeping back, and I've been tempted to just take a break, but, I just tell myself, keep going, you've got a pretty good thing going, your life can't just stop because you feel like ****, you just have to keep on keepin' on.  

  12. take a vacation, leave the US for a week, go somewhere relaxing like switzerland and think about things

  13. I have felt the same. I have a degree too, that I am not putting to work. I hate work!! I would love to gamble all day, work out, and do nothing in between. I am bipolar, and I take medication and see a doctor once a month. It is helping to a degree. I also collect disability. If you see a doctor, and they say you have a mental illness, you might be able to collect social security. It helped me a lot, I am able to go back to school, and do something I find more interesting.

  14. the best thing 2 do is to get that job in computer science back but at the same time SMOKE WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weed will make u not give a **** about anything and trust me it will maKE U FEEL BETTA...i do it everyday but have no job lol it makes u not have any worries

  15. Honey, 18 year olds are happy with themselves, you are not.   For a moment I was going to tell you lets hook up, because im 23 and I hate to work already!  Just to think, I have to wait 40 years to retire...if not longer!  Anyway, I think you have a gambling problem, and maybe that is why you are depressed.   Yes, you are depressed, and you need to seek professional help.  Find a doctor, get a physical done to check your blood levels and everything else, and ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist.  Please dont commit any crimes, its ridiculous, you will feel worse!   You can always try to see if you qualify for medicaid, or some type of welfare program until you get on your feet.   You have internet, so do some searching.   You have to be your own best advocate, and you have to go out there and get help.  It wont come to you.   Get up and just do it.   The hardest part is waking up and getting dressed.

    Good Luck in all you do.  I really wish you the best, and I hope you come out of the depression you are in.  There is help, and hope out there for you.

  16. Negativity has you in a headlock and its time for you to break out of it.

    You have let this negativism run your life now for way to long, You even lost your wife because of it. The more you wallow in your own negativism the harder it will be for you to break out of it.

    Change your thoughts and you will start to feel a change, and the negativism will start to lift.

    Start thinking about all you have in life that is still positive, forget thinking negative, things that you dont have or have lost, concentrate on what you still have.

    You have a place to sleep every night, you have food to eat so your not starving, you have your health. 3 very big things to think positive about. Once you start this way of thinking you will break free of the headlock negativism has over you.

    I'm serious, once you get bogged down in it, it's harder to get out.

    Start listening to some positive music, watch funny movies that make you laugh, read positive books, i guarantee after a few weeks of doing these things you will feel a different person. You will be able to tell the change because you will notice your thoughts start to become positive instead of negative.

    Good Luck. I wish you all the best.

  17. Get a grip.  Why do you want to be so lazy?  I have MS and would sell my left knee cap to be able to be productive again.  All that education going to waste.  Tsk, tsk.  I hope you can get over this hump in your life and go on to be productive and happy.  

  18. Try and think if you hate money and jobs ?   you,ll be living on the street as a bum ?   that,s where you,re going !   keep that picture in your head at all times !

  19. wow...its time to grow up buddy. Search jobs online..choose one that you WILL want to are 30 years old for god's sake.

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