I have always been curious about my real parents. My parents (I mean the ones that raised me) really loved me but I always felt something was missing. I was raised upper-middle class and was very cultured but never really fit in. I look totally different than my Mom (she's short, olive skinned, and Greek) while I'm tall, blond, and skinny. I have mental health problems (bipolar disorder, anxiety, BDD, etc...) and have battled a drug and alcohol addiction. In society's eyes, I am a failure. The way I was raised, I should be very sucessful and more like my parents. I want to see if my biological parents have or had problems like mine. I wouldn't blame them. They did a good thing by putting me up for adoption. I'm a classic case of nature playing a much greater role than nurture if they are similar to me. My adoption was closed so I'd have to see a judge to see if someone could contact them to see if they want contact now. I'm guessing they'd be in their mid 50's.