
I'm 36 and i still wet the bed... what do i do?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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My wife gets mad because i still wet the bed and most of the time it gets on her. i tried diapers but they still cant soak up all my pee. I also tired industrial size paper clips to hold it shut but no luck.




  1. Thank God you're not my husband.  I would make you sleep in the yard.

  2. Uh, go to the doctors. Maybe you have an infection that you need to take care of.

  3. u have a weak bladder go doctor there are things that help with your problem

  4. you are a pathetic loser

  5. Dude that sucks.

    Put towels under you before you go to sleep. So that way it can soak up the pee. If that doesn't work, get some mega super diapers. If that doesn't work..then go to a doctor they could probably give you some medicine or something.

  6. it could be prostate cancer, you should deff have it checked out

    Good luck dude

  7. Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, really.

    I have no idea what to do.

    Try not drinking anything at least an hour before you go to bed & use the bathroom RIGHT BEFORE you get in bed.

    And if you lay in bed for a while before you actually get to sleep then use it again.

    Hope I helped. :)

  8. You can't do anything right!

  9. Sleep w a texas catheter- which you attach to a bag that catches all your  urine. It is like a condom that slips over the p***s and is attached to a tube that  you attach to a catheter bag. You might get one from a medical supply place- if you need a prescription for it, ask your MD. It would be a lot easier than paperclips and no pain!!!  

  10. try some very thick towels or cloth

  11. Ok heres what you do Divorce your wife because I think shes crazy for not divorcin your pissin dipshited asz


    WRAP that around with ceran wrap then duct tape it also put ur self in a plastic bubble and dont sleep in a bed maybe you wont wet the bed

  12. You should see a urologist about this problem.

    Who knows what is wrong?

    He can find that out for you and maybe solve it


  13. i suggest stop drinking liquids like 3 hours before bed time........  

  14. line the area where you sleep with plastic and put a towel on it.and ofcourse go visit a doctor for it is not normal at your blader may be weak.hope i helped

  15. have you seen a doctor about kidney problems?

  16. Men tend to experience incontinence more often than women, and the structure of the male urinary tract accounts for this difference. But both women and men can become incontinent from neurologic injury, congenital defects, strokes, multiple sclerosis, and physical problems associated with aging.

    While urinary incontinence affects older men more often than younger men, the onset of incontinence can happen at any age. Incontinence is treatable and often curable at all ages.

    Patients with incontinence should be referred to a medical practitioner specializing in this field. Urologists specialize in the urinary tract. Family practitioners and internists see patients for all kinds of complaints and can refer patients on to the relevant specialists.

    A careful history taking is essential especially in the pattern of voiding and urine leakage as it suggests the type of incontinence faced. Other important points include straining and discomfort, use of drugs, recent surgery, and illness.

    The physical examination will focus on looking for signs of medical conditions causing incontinence, such as tumors that block the urinary tract, stool impaction, and poor reflexes or sensations, which may be evidence of a nerve-related cause.

    A test often performed is the measurement of bladder capacity and residual urine for evidence of poorly functioning bladder muscles.

    Other tests include:

    Stress test - the patient relaxes, then coughs vigorously as the doctor watches for loss of urine.

    Urinalysis - urine is tested for evidence of infection, urinary stones, or other contributing causes.

    Blood tests - blood is taken, sent to a laboratory, and examined for substances related to causes of incontinence.

    Ultrasound - sound waves are used to visualize the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

    Cystoscopy - a thin tube with a tiny camera is inserted in the urethra and used to see the inside of the urethra and bladder.

    Urodynamics - various techniques measure pressure in the bladder and the flow of urine.

    Patients are often asked to keep a diary for a day or more, up to a week, to record the pattern of voiding, noting times and the amounts of urine produced.

  17. whoah buddy

    thats sad

  18. This is a simple problem to solve.  What you need is a mawr pad.  A mawr pad is a device that detects moisture.  When it does it sounds an alarm.  Eventually your mind learns to associate a full bladder with waking up without the alarm.  This will take about 30 days, then you will no longer need the mawr pad.  You can get one through sears catalogue.  They are not expensive and they are perfectly safe.  They have been used for decades and work on sound psychological conditioning principles.  Good luck.  

  19. ha ha lol

  20. d**n your not joking.go to the doctor man thats serious

  21. i think you should go to the doctor. that isnt usually normal unless you have a medical issue. talk to the doc. and i feel sorry for your wife...maybe try wearing like two diapers sealed shut until you can make it to a doctors apointment! good luck

  22. your joking..... not to make light of your situation but you probably have some kindof urinary problem that needs fixing right away! go see your doctor for options.... come on your joking right?

  23. wow;

    that's strange.

    here's wat to do:

    two hours before you go to bed, stop drinking liquids.

    still wear the daiper, until u stop.

    set an alarm (or maybe two)

    to wake you up at night.

    when it rings use the bathroom even if you don't feel like you have to go.

    NEVER play those soothing water sounds on an alarm clock.

    i don't see that helping at all.

    if u have a dream about having to pee.


    you'll know during your dream that you really have to pee, if you think about it.

    and you SHOULD wake up.


    i've never heard of something this severe.

    but u just need some extra potty training

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