
I'm 37lwks 4days 75% effaced and about 1 dilated have really mild contractions what can i do to progresslabor?

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i went to the hospital having really bad contractions. they checked me no change what can i do to speed up things a little i'm going to take a hot bath to try and relax. It's really frustrating what can i do!!!




  1. I have heard walk walk walk... but I was not able to walk in labor.  Since you have started labor, I'd say your body is doing it's job, the baby is getting into position, not sure that part can be rushed.  

  2. I would take a walk as much as you can, the thing is your not 100% effaced so I am not sure how anything will fix that. They say that the key is HOT, hot food, (spicy) hot bath and hot lovin'! Try these. I walked around pushing my stroller with 2 kids for a week, the day I didn't walk I woke to contractions at 2am! Maybe play some classical music or relaxing ocean sounds while you sleep to get the baby relaxed and well rested too. (Seeing as alot of this has to do with how he/she feels today.)

  3. Welcome to the world of false labor! I had this with my 3rd daughter. Went to the hospital, everyone said I was in labor, then it stopped and I was sent home. Very frustrating! Even when my water broke a week later, it took 6 hours for labor to kick in and then it piddled out and they had to give me a shot of pitocin! This was after my 3 hour labor with my 2nd daughter - easy as pie - you would think #3 would be the same or better!

    Your body is really doing good work when you have false labor. Everything is getting ready. Being that you're not even at 38 weeks, you might just need a little more time.

    Taking a bath is not going to help labor - but will help you relax. Walking, s*x, & nipple stimulation will help encourage labor. Don't get discouraged - you will go into labor soon. Now you just have less work to do! Good Luck and best wishes!

    Forgot - after 38-40 weeks - you can ask for a membrane sweep and that might put you right into labor.

  4. Honestly, nothing helps progress it until your body is ready.

    I was dialated since 35wks and my last 2 weeks I was 4cm and I went 3 days overdue. I tried everything, walking, s*x, nipples stimulation, spicy foods, red raspberry leaf tea, had my membranes stripped, etc...

  5. walking helps.

  6. im 39 wks today and go for doctor appointment soon to see and hope im dilated more.. i better be.. been walking my a$$ off.. up trails and down them..everywhere i go.. been to 3 malls within 2 weeks.. lots of s*x.. and he cums heard his s***n helps thin cervix or something.. i was 1cm dilated last week so lets hope something if so then all that stuff works.. id really like to go by tomorrow.. been having alot of pains and all the signs of early labor just nothing toooo serious started yet.. right about now as much people talk abt the pains i dont even care im ready lets go haha

  7. Hi, I remember how it feels, I tried all the old wives tales - fresh pineapple, hot curries, lots of s*x and still had to be induced at 42 weeks.

    The best advice I think is to try to stay on your feet, lots of walking. Gravity is your best friend from now on in, so get marching!

    Good luck!

  8. Walk, stimulated your nimples, or have s*x

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