
I'm 38 weeks pregnant and still hardly any dialation...does this mean I'll be overdue?

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I'm 38 and a half weeks and I went to the doctor yesterday. To my surprise, my doctor told me I'm less than one centimeter dialated! My due date is in a week and a half and my cervix is still pretty much closed! Grrrrrr! I'm also still showing no pre-labor contractions, no mucous discharge, haven't dropped, no back pains, no nothing. If I end up being overdue I'm gonna lose my mind! Did anyone else show no labor signs, but ended up being on time?




  1. at the end of the day a baby will come whe its ready you cant tell weather your going to be on time early or late... just hold in there x

  2. I went to the midwife two days before my due date. She told me the baby still hadn't engaged properly. I was gutted. She booked me in for an induction the following week. woke up that same night in labour!! David born 3 hours later!

  3. I didn't dialate, as far as i know until I was ready and in the hospital. At 40 weeks pregnant. Don't worry, you have plenty of time. It doesn't mean you are going to be overdue

  4. If it's any consolation, at my 38 weeks appointment I was 3cm dilated, 75% effaced, and I had already lost my mucus plug.  The doctor told me I'd probably only last a few more days.  Well that was a big fat ugly lie!  I will be 40 weeks on Friday and I still haven't gone into labor yet!!

    I've read that one morning you could wake up with your cervix completely closed and by noon it could be open for business.  Who knows, you could go into labor before me!!

    Ugh!  I'm so tired of being pregnant.  Good luck to you.

  5. sorry i dont have an answer for you but im 38 weeks also and dread the thought of going over due, im intrested in the answers that you receive!

  6. your baby is going to come when he or she is ready not when you are ready! I'm sorry that was not the answer you wanted but its the truth. RELAX! When this baby comes you are going to be a little machine that basically eats and feeds/changes diapers and will get very little sleep! So why not relax, baby will come when they are good and ready. Get some good walks in, do some deep relaxation breathing, have warm baths etc. Enjoy this time....

  7. you have 2 weeks left! why you stressing now about it, some women dilate early but some women dilate the day before they go into labour, it doesn't matter when it happens, it has no reflection on when you go into labour or if your going to be late or early, you could dilate this weekend and go into labour next week or nothing till after your due date, its just a waiting game now, enjoy the last possible few weeks of just you and your hubby and rest as much as possible! good luck for when it does happen though.  

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