
I'm 39 weeks pregnant today? Question???

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Is there anything you feel right before your water breaks or does contractions usually start first then your water breaks?




  1. I was sitting on my bed at home having contractions and I heard and felt a rip. I got up to go to pee and when I pulled up my underwear my water gushed out. The only reason I know I really heard the sound is because my hubby heard it too. With my second my water broke in the hospital during contractions about 1 minute before my Dr was going to break it for me. That was pretty uneventful but gross because I was laying in a wet bed.

  2. You water might not break at all.  I was 6cm and well into active labour before they broke my water for me.

    It can go either way.

  3. water breaking on its own only happens in 10% of pregnancies.

    but i have read that you feel a "pop" sensation right before it happens.

  4. My water broke with both of my pregnancies and I had no clue that it was about to happen. The first pregnancy I had been laying down and when I got up to go use the restroom, there was just this sudden gush. The second pregnancy, I had gotten up in the middle of the night to pee and when I was done I got up and still felt a slight I was still peeing. I stood beside the bed debating on to wake my husband but he 'felt' me staring at him and we decided to go. When I got out of the van to walk into the hospital it just burst and started gushing. As silly as it seems, I refused to walk in because I was embarrassed and a nurse was nice enough to wheel me Both times I didn't start getting contractions or at least feeling them until 6-12 hours later and had both girls within 24 hours of my water breaking. Best of luck to you!

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