
I'm 3mo. pregnant.. what is this white discharge?

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This is my 2nd pregnancy but it was more than 2 years ago since I had my 1st baby and I dont remember. I get this white discharge regulary.. and it also has a funny smell to it. I pretty much soaks my underwear at times too.. but the smell bothers me most because I feel other people can smell it if they come close enough to me. Anyways.. what is this white discharge.. it can sometiimes be clear too..




  1. What you're noticing is probably normal leukorrhea — the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge that you occasionally noticed in your underwear before you were pregnant. There's just a lot more of it now, partly because of increased estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and v****a, old cells from the walls of the v****a, and normal bacterial flora from the v****a.

    You'll probably notice more vaginal discharge as you approach labor, although it's likely to look somewhat different from the flow you've become accustomed to. In very early pregnancy, cervical secretions filled your cervical canal and created a protective barrier — the so-called mucus plug.

    As your cervix begins to efface (thin out) and dilate, it may expel this mucus, and you'll notice discharge that looks like egg white or mucus from a runny nose on a cold day. You may even expel the plug in one gelatinous glob. This discharge might be tinged with a bit of blood.

  2. sounds like bacteria vagnosis a simple infection that lots of pg women get tell your ob they will give you a gel for it you can just call the office they should call it in for you to your pharmacy

  3. ahh, one of the not so fun things about being pregnant. This is usually considered normal, I say usually because every pregnancy is different and I do not know all of the circumstances. Ask you dr if you are really worried, but just so you know it only gets worse the farther along you get. I doubt that other people can smell it, you are just being self concise. Wear pantyliners to save your undies. Best of luck and congrats!

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