
I'm 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant,need help with morning sickness.?

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Its very hard for me to get up in the morning because I'm so tired and when i do i feel nauseated.I haven't throw up yet.I'm just waiting. I feel queasy all day too is that normal? If it is is there anything i could take to settle my stomach?I also have been getting some headaches to would Tylenol be ok to take? Please help ladies first time being pregnant!




  1. I was the same way and i bought preggie pops and they worked really well at settling my stomach. Everyone's body is different but i wish you luck in finding something that works for you.

  2. Please look here for detailed information about morning sickness


  3. *******Peppermint and Ginger Tea: The calming/relaxing scent of peppermint is very useful in soothing the stomach and if you don't have any aversion to it, you can take peppermint tea or candy as an effective nausea medication. It should, however, be taken before the nausea starts. Ginger tea is very useful as a medication for digestive and other stomach problems as it calms the stomach. You should drink ginger tea before the onset of nausea for getting relief from morning sickness.

    ******Saltines: For reducing the effects of morning sickness, eating saltines first thing in the morning before the nausea starts is very effective.

    *******Sprite: Sometimes morning sickness can be so severe that even water makes you sick. Sprite or 7-Up is a good substitute for water as it is mild and slightly sweet and it will help relieve nausea

    ********Follow Your Cravings: You should eat what you feel like eating and this will relieve your morning sickness. However, you should avoid spicy and greasy food.

    ***************Doctor Prescribed Medications which is what I had to take******* The common medications are:

    1.Emetrol: This nausea medication is the only one that has been approved for being used during pregnancy. It soothes the stomach and it can be obtained over the counter.

    2.Bendectin: It was used in the 70s and 80s but its production has since been stopped. It contained Vitamin B6 and Doxylamine in equal proportions. UnisomT which contains Doxylamine in a higher dosage is available as an over the counter medication. Taking a combination of Vitamin B6 and UnisomT would be a good idea but you should consult your doctor to check up if it would be safe to take it.

    Compazine and Phenergan: These are prescription medications and should only be taken on proper medical advice but they are not considered very safe during pregnancy. Zofran  which is used against nausea caused by chemotherapy, can be used but it is REALLY expensive I heard!!

  4. Peppermints helped me...but I've also heard if you feel nauseous first thing in the morning, it helps to eat a few crackers before you get out of bed.  I dont know of anything to help settle your stomach, it's just part of it.  I felt queasy all day (and still do sometimes), and it helps if I eat small snacks.  Yes - you can take tylenol.  Congrats and good luck!!

  5. i ate crackers.. and like 7 up or sprite good luck  

  6. I heard gingernut biscuits are meant to be good for morning sickness.  I've had three children and suffered mainly at night or when I was traveling in the car!

    Small snacks 6-8 times a day also help.

    Congrats and good luck with your bub.

  7. Yes you can take Tylenol. As for the morning sickness, you can try crackers and gingerale...if that doesn't work try eating small meals throughout the day to keep your stomach coated. I had to have a prescription of Zofran from my OB because my morning sickness was sooo bad. GOOD LUCK.

  8. AAAhhhhhh! The joys of procreation! When you feel nauseated-try eating some saltine crackers. The first trimester is generally the only time you will feel this way. I would not take any meds unless Ok'd by your Dr. You feel tired because the baby is a little "parasite" sucking all the energy and nutrition from you. The baby is well protected and you are going to feel better once you get past the first trimester. I recommend that you get some good books and read up on what to expect. Knowledge is awesome. Good luck!  

  9. saltine crackers and ginger ale help me everytime. and when ever i was hungry it was worse so i always kept something in my purse to snack on. my doc told me not to really take anything in the first timester bc it could harm the baby so i just delt with the headaches. and it's normal to have it all day long i did and know it's gone i get it sometimes but it's rare.

  10. u can take tylenol if u need it.. as for the morning sickness, u can try eating saltine crackers, but mostly u just got to stick it out until it goes away... congrats and good luck!

  11. I have endomtreosis and I get morning sickness from that.  I find that eating salty crackers, like saltines, settle my stomach.  It is normal to have morning sickness anytime, I was informed by my gyno.  You need not to throw up for it to qualify for morning sickness.  There are times when I don't even throw up, but when you do, you feel a heck of a lot better.

    As for your headaches, I would check with your doctor before taking anything for them.  Call him/her up tomorrow morning.  But I have sneaking suspicion that baby aspirin might be safe for you because of its low dosage.  But please check with your obgyn first before taking anything and also address your morning sickness problem to him/her and see what they suggest.  They might have other remedies too and see what other suggestions you get off here too.  There may be other remedies out there that I'm not aware of, such as herbal remedies, OTC pills, prescriptions, etc.

    Good luck on your pregnancy; I wish you all the best and success.

  12. take regular tylenol and keep a trash can by your bed get some rest you'll need it


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