
I'm 45 and want to start Clomiphene, what is my success?

by Guest57943  |  earlier

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anyone have luck with this? i mature very late in life, and mybody is like 40 year or younger.




  1. My progesterone levels were at 3, I took Chlomid and my levels went up to 35.  I got pregnant and miscarried at ten weeks.  When I asked the doctor what happened he said Chlomid makes the pregesterone levels go up, but after the meds are out of your system the progesterone drops back down in some cases and the embryo can't survive. I refused to take it again because I couldn't face another miscarriage.  One year later I became pregnant on my own.  The doc said the Chlomid helped my body to want to start producing it's own progesterone.  Wait it out a little while because you might get lucky.

  2. Honestly the odds are stacked against you.  What I suggest is doing everything in your power to increase the odds.  Clomid is a non-aggressive treatment.  I would go balls to the wall and be very aggressive.  Suggest injectables with IUI from a reputable fertility doc or IVF, these would give you the best chances.  Your body may seem younger, but your eggs are still 45.

    You really don't have time to wait it out.  I was successful with clomid.  I did have a low progesterone level, which was fine with progesterone supplements, any decent fertility doc won't have you spend that kind of money only to lose the pregnancy from something as simple as taking a progesterone suppository

  3. You have to ask your doctor this question.  Only your doctor has examined you and has access to your medical history, so only your doctor can tell you what your chances of success with a given treatment option are.

  4. you might want to consider asking your doctor for a higher dose of Clomid to help you even more, ifr that doesn't work then move quickly into injectables that could be more efficients, you can also ask a doctor online for free for an opinion try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!

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