
I'm 5'3 and i'm 52kg. Am i considered as overweight?

by  |  earlier

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I seemed to be plump, i've got real short legs! and everywhere around me seems to be fleshy fleshy.




  1. No you're not. You're any a healthy range. Besides meat on your bones is a good thing. Sorry about all the spam you got for answers.

  2. no u r absolutely NOT

    im 5'4 and i'm 54 kg and i look great after loosing 6 kg when i was 60 kg 4 months ago..yes im not bony but u shud have sum flesh so tht the cloths look good on u..i personally dont like being skinny..i like it normal and i feel ur weight is perfect for ur height .. if u r concerned abt extra fat sumwhere on ur body u shud do weight lifting excersizes for the specific targeted areas rather than doing a cardio for weight loss cause by doing the Cardio u'll loose weight overall and also from the places u dont want to ! believe me i'v done works :)

  3. Yup!

    you are =)

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