
I'm 5'7', 13 years old and i can hold the 8' hoop rim but cant dunk in the same hoop, how do i improve my jump

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I'm 5'7', 13 years old and i can hold the 8' hoop rim but cant dunk in the same hoop, how do i improve my jump




  1. At your age, you have a lot of opportunity for improvement, because you're still growing. Your body should respond to the right training very well.

    Start doing squats. If you've never done them before, start with just your body weight. Go down till your thighs are parallel with the ground and always explode up as fast as possible. Carefully add weight as you get stronger. If you don't have any way to add weight, try to do 1 leg squats, still going down to parallel and exploding back up. You'll need to use something to hold onto for help at first. If you can get good at squats you'll be a much better jumper and all around athlete and set yourself up for other types of advanced training in the future. Read this and this http://plyometrics-plyometrics.blogspot....

    Calf raises are worth doing as well. When I was 13 I added a foot to my vertical in 6-7 months doing nothing but calf raises and squats.  

  2. Well, it's important to improve your jump-shots first. Dunking comes later.

    But if you really want to improve your jump, you should try doing jump-ropes.

    I'm 14 and the same height as you. I play basketball, but I can't dunk an 8 yet either-well, I'm just not good at it. I just concentrate on my jump-shots first, and improve my defense and offense. So relax, the time will come when you'll be able to dunk. Just keep on practicing, and you'll get better. =]

  3. man thats retarded i am 5.5 and 15 and can dunk 8.5

  4. Are you trying to dunk in your height??? nice you able to hold the rimp, but did you hold by grappling the net lol?  You should ask nate robinson for advice, remeber he can dunk in same height as you, but fact if you ain't black; chance are very unlikely u can you do due to the body structure.

  5. Practice jumping with the ball or improve your jump by using the search button and finding a routine.

  6. calf raises all day long....then squats, and leg press all night... haha do that for a few years and youll be throwin it down off a 360's..

    your calfs give you that explosion when you leap towards the rim, but your hamstrings will give you that hight.

    currently im the point guard for my basketball team, and i can grab and hang on the rim, and im only 5'9''....

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