
I'm 5'8",i can jump 8'8" of vertical.How long will it take me or how tall do i have to b to dunk a basketball?

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I really want to know because I am about to be a freshman in high school this year and I have the most hops in the school and all my life and I want to know where I should be against the compitition and when I can probably dunk.




  1. Well i know a guy that grabbed the rim since he was in 8th grade and now he is finished with high school but he never dunked. He has reached his max jumping ability and that is that. We cant tell if you are going to be able to dunk one day, it all depends on your genetics and determination. You can do jumping drills and all that fun stuff but i  cant garuntee that you will be able to dunk. You are a freshman so you still may be able to grow taller and your muscles are still developing so you should be able to dunk in a couple of years if you really work on it and dont give up on it. I'm not a genius or a basketball expert, but it's just what i think and what little knowledge i know ;)  

  2. u may not be able to

    if u can only get 8"8 thats not good

    im 5"10 and can touch 10 foot

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