
I'm 5 months pregnant and will be taking a flight from NC to TN on a small plane. Is that safe?

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The plan is a deHavilland Dash 8-100/200 that seats 40 people. The flight is an hour long. Will I get sick? Also, what about cabin pressure on these small planes?




  1. you really should be asking your gyncologist

  2. NOOOONO .


  3. Only your physician can legitimately answer this question.

    Good luck!

  4. I would ask your doctor but I am almost sure this is safe.  I am 5 months pregnant and flying to Aruba soon (but on a 747 most likely).  I doubt the smaller planes go as high as the larger planes so the cabin pressure wouldn't be bad at all.  The only problem I can see is you won't have a lot of room if you are feeling very big.  :)  

  5. Yes it is safe.Just dont sit to the sides. If you do....the plane will dramatically bank  from all the weight and cause the pilots some trouble.

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