
I'm 6'9" and don't fit on some airlines. How can I figure out what planes/airlines I can fit on before I fly?

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Simply, I literally can not fit in some airplance/airlines. It's really causing my a lot of trouble as I am a consultant and I used to travel frequently. Now I am turning jobs away because i physically do not fit on some airlines now that they have shortened the seat distance, squashing legroom.

are there any places I could go to figure out if I would fit on certain flights or certain planes so that I can try traveling again?





  1. why don't you sit by the emergency exit?  

  2. Try

    You can select an airline, then an aircraft type at left.  Then it will show at the top what the seat pitch and width are.  It will also show the layout of the seats and mark them as "good", etc.

    Also, I know you can't book these in advance, but try for the exit row seats.  You can really stretch out in those.

  3. Always insisit on bulk head seating where you would fit, I'm sure. All airlines have these extra roomy seatings except the very small airplanes

  4. is a good suggestion, because it's not just what aircraft type and what airline, but often what seat. Bulkhead seats do NOT always (often, yes, but not always) afford more legroom. They are also often not available unless you are a VFF on that carrier. But contrary to one answerer, yoy MAY be able to book exit rows ahead. It depends on whch airline and, on some airlines, your FF status.

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