
I'm 6 days late and have a negative home test. what are the odds that i'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i'm on time every month it's so weird i took 2 home test the both came out negative.




  1. Stress can definitely wreak havoc on your menstrual cycle! The best thing for you to do is wait a few more days, and if it hasn't started then, take another HPT. If it is negative, call and make an appointment with your doctor to see about getting a blood test done. This is really the only surefire way to see if you're pregnant or not! I'm in the same situation as you are, and this is my plan! =))

  2. maybe thats too early to show... i think u should go see ur doctor to take blood test it might show up positive.. if says negative then u r not pregnant, ur period is just late cos u r stress bot it

  3. i would get another one to be sure and if you still find it negative and you still haven't started i would go to the health department and get a pregnancy test there...Good luck

  4. I've been late for 2wks but not pregnant.. it was caused by stress.. if you suspect you might be pregnant.. Go to the doc and ask for a blood test.. GD

  5. stress

  6. i was 6 days late last month and had 3 negative tests then AF showed up. think i was worrying and stressing to much over it. just relax over the next few days and if AF stil doesnt arrive take another test or go see your doc. good luck:)

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