
I'm 6months pregnant and i have been vomiting (a little blood) and there something wrong???

by Guest63642  |  earlier

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I'm 6months pregnant and i have been vomiting (a little blood) and there something wrong???




  1. I dont think it has to do with your baby but YES you need to go to a doctor right now.

  2. Well ANY amount of blood in vomit is dangerous. So, I would get checked out, ASAP.

  3. Never a good sign to vomit blood. You could have a bleeding ulcer or it could be something els. But I would defiantely go to the doctor as soon as possible.

  4. Get off the internet now and do to the ER, vomiting blood is not safe. Let me know how everything went, when you get from the ER.

  5. You should call the doctor about the blood.  I did the same thing and had to be admitted to the hospital for a day or two, nothing serious was wrong, but its best to make sure.  Better safe than sorry.  I hope all turns out to be well :-)

  6. dont wait any longer to go to the doc call them right NOW or go to the ER ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I don't know what is wrong, so the best suggestion I can give you is to talk to your Doctor or Midwife.  I had a lot of vomiting when I was pregnant, but never blood.  I did have cramping, but later found out that that was do to the fact that she was Breech.  I never heard of vomiting blood while pregnant.

    I found this on a site which I listed below, it's all about morning sickness.

    Contact your health care provider if:

    Morning sickness does not improve, despite trying home remedies.

    You are vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.

    You lose more than 2 pounds in a week.

    There is prolonged, severe vomiting for three or more days, which can cause dehydration and malnutrition.

    So I would definately see a doctor immediately.  if you Dr or midwife cannot see you this weekend, go to the ER.

  8. Why are you on the internet asking this question if you are vomiting blood!?!? GO to the ER. It is Never good to vomit blood!! Especially now when pregnant!!

  9. well i would say so go get checked!  

  10. thats scary! i hope your ok. please call your dr. asap!

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