
I'm 9 weeks pregnant....?

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and I don't have an appetite. Should I force myself to eat? I feel bad like i'm starving my child but every time i look at food or think about food i get sick? What to do?




  1. try 'preggie drops' , this is a herbal cure for morning sickness.  Once you feel better you will like the food which is important for yourself and the baby growing inside you .

  2. Just listen to your body, its telling you what to do. If your sick, then eat crackers and soup and small stuff like that. As long as you dont lose weight your okay, and as long as later on in the pregnancy, 6-7 months you really start to gain weight since that is when your baby really is starting to grow alot.

  3. eat what you can when you can. and take your pregnancy vitamins. youll get your appetite back soon enough

  4. Try to make sure you're still keeping down prenatal vitamins; this will ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs even if you can't eat well right now.

    As for your appetite yes, you should try to get yourself to eat something during the day. If you know you can't eat much, make that something count. Eat a whole grain fiber enriched plain bagel for breakfast. This has a low chance of making you ill, but contains the fiber and bread also carried folic acid which is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

    Apples are a nice bland food to eat as a snack, also baby carrots and celery.

    You can try rice, applesause, or a bowl of cereal.

    I'm basically naming foods that I had to stick to during the first few weeks of my second month when my morning sickness kicked in. I had sickness for almost 3 or 4 months of my pregnancy and found I could hardly eat ANYTHING in the morning and sometimes into the afternoon. But I made sure to take my vitamins in the evening when I knew I wasn't as sick and forced myself to eat small amounts of healthy food when I could and soon the sickness passed and my baby is doing fine now at 39 weeks. ^_^

  5. I had the same problem.  I dropped 12 pounds in a month.  If you can't look at food or hold it down call your doctor and make an appointment.  They had to send me to the hospital and feed my fluids through an IV because I was so dehydrated and sick.  Then they gave me some sickness medicine and it has helped.  I can eat now more than i throw up.  I would definitely call the doctor.  Good luck!

  6. i am also 8 weeks pregnant with your same problem. i tried drinking iced tea and it helps a lot.

    good luck!  

  7. you should just try and eat what you can and when you feel you can. when i was pregnant with my twins i was sick through out my whole pregnancy even if i had a glass of water i was sick so i no the feeling and i feel for you. but both of them were born 6lb 5 n 6lb 4 so think your baby will be fine just let your h.visitor no at each appointment you go to just so they can keep an eye on you

    congratulations and good luck

  8. you shouldnt feel bad! just take it easy have small amonts a day then try to eat more at night! i feel the same way but i dont know if im pregnant yet but its not goo for the baby if you dont eat and its not good for you as well you should really go to your doctor and tell them you problem they can help you more than us hope this help good luck and congrats =D xxxxx

  9. its normal to feel that way, try eating what u like...........drink a lot of fluids...water juices milk etc. try to eat salads normally cooked food makes u feel sick, but try to eat something. eat a lot of fruits.

  10. well i'm 15 weeks now and have the same problem still since finding out.

    the doctor told me even though you dont have an appetite obviously get some food down you. not forcing yourself but try little bits to stop you bringing it all back up...

    anyways...good luck and congrats... :) x*x

  11. I think its worse for bubs if you are going to throw up each time you eat.

    Make sure you get on some pregnancy vitamins, as this will ensure bubs is getting what he/she needs.

    As for you, try eating things like soups, fruit and dry crackers. This seemed to settle my tummy when pregnant.

    If everything fails, go down the doctors as there is tablets you can take for morning sickness :)

    And drinks lots of fluids.

    Good luck  and Congrats :)

  12. try eat something... dont eat big meals... just smaller and more regular meals... even a piece of bread/toast with jam on it... or an apple or even half... jsut something but dont force it.. and listen to your body... this will pass just hang in there.. and congrads

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